Chapter 4

Sitting on the sofa is a woman smoking a cigar.

"You must be wondering who I am. I'm Alice and by the looks of it I'm the first one to visit you"

Fixing her glasses she stands up and offers her hand for a handshake "To my knowledge you are the first one to visit me" Trying to act professional I shake her hand.

"So. what brings you here Ms.Alice?" Seeing her wicked smile she says "I came to tell you a few tips, mostly that you don't know how the Underground works" feeling her grip tighten I answer "And what could that mean? Are my actions here angering Gunter so he sends you to do his dirty work?"

Staring at my mask Alice speaks. "Don't you know it's rude to speak with someone without showing your face? And I'm not Gunters L A C K E Y" Speaking close to my face she emphasizes The word lackey.

"I feel perfectly fine with my mask on. or are you going to say that I Don't respect my Elders?" Ignoring her words about not being a lackey. I see a vein pop on her silky-smooth skin

"You brat I'm only in my 40s" Saying that I see her hand move for my mask. "Let's see how old you are!" jumping back, my mask's long beak got caught by Alice. 'Shit!' ripping my mask off she reveals my balaclava. "Oh How disappointing and I thought You were dumb enough to not wear a second face cover" Looking eye to eye now I speak. "Is this all or are you planning on staying the night?" Secretly trying to reach into a drawer, Alice speaks. "If I were you I wouldn't touch that. How about we sit down and I tell you the reason why I'm here?"

Letting go of the drawer I sit on a couch. "Thank you." Smiling Alice sits opposite me.

"So? Why are you here?" Getting straight to the point I take back my mask from Alice and put it on. "Do you really need to put it on? Never mind I'm here to ask you to get rid of Gunter and take his position as a Crime boss of this area."

not understanding the request I ask. "Remove gunter? become a crime boss? Why don't you do it or is there a reason why you can't?" Seemingly surprised by the question Alice asks. "You don't want to become Crime boss?" Closing my eyes I reply. "The voice of Justice inside me is already screaming at me for being a criminal. Becoming a crime boss would just make me feel terrible, even now I'm doubting my capa-" Cutting myself off I look at Alice. "You" Looking around I notice the small pink smoke barely visible to the eye. "So you noticed. My bloodline ability. Charm makes anyone who breathes the same air as me, feel comfortable in my vicinity as long as they don't realize it.

Standing up she leaves. "The offer still stands. The reason why I can't get rid of him is that it's forbidden for crime bosses to fight amongst each other by the current Crim lord of Aquaria. Saying that she leaves.

Leaving me all alone sitting on the couch I think. 'What has changed? I'm still equally lonely here. just a criminal now on top of that.' Walking over to the drawer I wanted to open. I pull out a syringe full of purple liquid. Closing my eyes, and taking a deep breath, I stab it into my thigh. "GHHHH" Feeling the burning sensation pulsing through my veins I fall asleep.

Walking the halls of the Nordstorm family estate I get slapped on the back of my head. "Hey! Raven!" Smiling at Millie I say sarcastically. "Well hello, there future family head how may I be of service to you?" "Stop it! You know far too well that I'm not going to be the head until mother decides that I'm ready!"

"Right, Right Anyways I'm on my way to see mother wanna come with me?"I ask. "Not really you're going to talk business again aren't you?" Seemingly not too happy about that I ask.

"Then what would you want to do? I have my duties as the Eldest child." I say. In truth, I feel useless as I don't possess the talent for magic like my sister, and in the eyes of many, I'm a disgrace to the might of the Nordstorms.

Seeing how down I am Millie taps my shoulder. "Want some candy?" handing me an Orange flavored candy I smile.

"You know I don't like oranges." Smiling like a sun she replies.

"But it always makes me happy as long as you believe you're doing the right thing you should follow it."

"You even make me doubt my right as your older brother."

"Bwuada" Turning around we see our little sister Lily walking by mother's hand towards us. "BWUADA" Letting go of mother's hand she tries to walk towards me. Squatting down I lift her up.

"Jesus she's heavy, what are you feeding her mom?"

Our mother, known as one of the coldest people on the earth as the Ice queen, has one of the warmest smiles you can ever see.

"Should I take offense to that? She's eating the same thing you were eating at her age."

"Bwuada?" Looking at Lily's small chubby smiling face I smile back. "Yes, I am your brother, what do you need?" trying to take the candy that I got from Millie I give it to her. "Hey! I gave that to you!" Sulking a bit I replied to Millie. "You know that I don't like oranges, maybe she will like it and you will finally have someone to break into that orchid with." Realizing that I over-spoken I continue. "Oh it seems like Lily wants to go somewhere, so see you guys." Walking away I turn around only to see mother dragging Millie by her shirt. "Wanting to steal?! you're the future family head, young Lady!"

Running back I look at Lily "So, what do you want to do?"

"MACIIIK!" "Do you want to do magic? Okay." Leaving for the garden I extend my hand and cast.

"Let the coldness of the north form the ICE!" Chanting the basic spell for better control a small blue magic circle forms on my pal creating a miniature small Ice cube.

"Whaaaa!" Extending her hands she takes it. "I'm sorry I'm not good with magic, this is all I can do without putting a strain on my veins." Looking at me confused I sigh. "You will get it one day. Maybe you won't be embarrassed to have me as a brother." Saying that I close my eyes. opening them again I see my old dirty office within the drug-making facility. I'm not mad or sad, I'm just disappointed in myself as I remember all the things that I've lost.

*knock Knock* "Enter" Walking in is one of the criminals working in this facility. "Boss, a package has come for you. I checked it for anything dangerous and found nothing." Nodding my head he places it in front of me and leaves.

Looking at him I think. Does he work here? I remember all the faces of the people who work here in case of a problem, but I don't recognize him. and the entire thing with checking it for what? it's not like I'm in any danger. "You show me your face."

Stopping in the door. standing up and starting to walk towards him only for him to suddenly start sprinting. "HEY!-- *BOOM!* Trying to run after him but before I even start the package he put on the table explodes. Sending me flying. Feeling the air get kicked out of me. 'I can't breathe.' trying to move I see him walk towards me. "Gunter's orders." Pulling out a gun he aims it at my head only to suddenly be sent flying by a gust of wind.

Turning my head I see an Old man in a lab coat. "Boss!"

Not thinking straight, not thinking at all you could say I wonder.

'Why?' I never showed the many values as a boss yet suddenly he's standing there probably risking his life. Hearing the footsteps of others. "You're Lucky Raven." Saying that he jumps from the window on the street. Finally being able to breathe I stand up. "Boss!" "STOP!" Yelling with the last of my breath I ask "Why? Why did you do this?" Looking at the old man I expect an answer but he just looks at the others and then speaks.

"You gave us a job to feed our families, that's enough in my book. Do you know why we aren't trying to hide the lab now or anything of this sort?" Realizing that the explosion must have caused quite a commotion I straighten up and try to speak only for the old man to continue. "There's no police force or fire force, most of the hospitals here were working with technology 3 centuries back." "Where?" Nodding his head he continues. "There's only one big hospital and that one's funded by the criminal bosses Alice other than that there family owned clinics with nothing but stolen goods or painkillers."

Absolutely shocked at the revelation I slid down the wall.

Looking at them I notice that some of them look so malnourished that I can see the ribs through their clothes.

"I'm sorry I-I didn't know that's that hard here. I will make it better, I promise." Saying that I stand up and try to wobble my way to a phone downstairs. getting to the phone I call Niab.

"Niab!" "What?! What the hell is wrong with you?! I've been so worried!" Listening to all Niabs complaints I cut them. "Not now!"

"NO! Now is exactly the time to talk about it! Can you at least tell me what happened after you escaped?" Sighing I tell everything up to the package bomb.

"I see but you shouldn't jump to a conclusion so quickly. That guy could work for Alice trying to instigate your hatred toward Gunter, so how about we set up a meeting with me as the middleman and figure it out first? You see, Gunter's men are a large part of my clients and I can't lose them just like that."

Realizing that the situation is more complicated than it seems, I agree. "Fine Let's set up a meeting on some neutral grounds."

"Glad you understand I will give Gunter a Quick ring to figure things out." Cutting the line I slide down the wall.

"Now what." Sitting with my back against the wall I decide

'I should get ready for are potentially bloody meeting'

Later calling NIab I asked "Niab, I have a question about the deal. Where is it being held?" "The meeting place has been decided for the river docks" "The river docks understood." saying that I cut the line 'now I need to focus.' Taking the chemical I pour it into a metal canister with a powerful firework submerged in it. Putting on a lid I leave a small part of the fuse outside.

"Perfect, now I just need to do it a few more times."

After finishing all the preparation I get ready for the night.

Putting on my coat I leave the facility.

Walking the evening streets of Aquaria I arrive at a graveyard.

Entering, I stop in front of Millie's grave. "Hey sis, It's me, your failure of a brother. About to do another stupid thing"

Seeing her flowers rot, I extend my hand for the flowers of a nearby grave only to stop myself. 'What the hell am I doing?

I've never done this before but suddenly it just felt like a normal thing to do!' Pulling my hand back I Look at MIllie's grave and continue. "The stupid thing is….. I'm about to fight a crime boss and I don't even know why!!" Accidentally screaming I look around only to see that I'm the only one here. "What should I do? I'm just wondering at this point as to what I am doing.

I just wake up at work, eat once per day, and go to sleep. That's all that's been my routine for the past month!" Looking at her grave I spent a few minutes just looking at it in silence. "Maybe… I'm just doing it because it's something out of my routine….. I mean… who else can say that they fought a crime boss?" Laughing a bit, I realize that the sun has set and I need to go. Quickly taking some flowers out of a nearby vase I exchange them with the withering ones that Millies has. "Who cares?! I will probably die tonight!"

The dark sky of the night with barely any stars visible a Giant man sits on some large containers.

His large Biker jacket with ripped fabric shows off his large muscles. His hard hoarse voice calls "Oy Niab you said that he will come here right?!"

"Yes, Yes just calm down Mr. Gunter my new buddy is trustworthy so just wait a moment!" As Niab says that Edward comes. "Bro-Boss I think a guy similar to the description just entered the dock

"Is it him? Niab?" "I…. don't know. He didn't accept any of my calls but he isn't in his office. "What does this guy look like?" Not needing to wait for an answer, a long black Raven beak enters the area under the lamp. "That's him! But I don't know why he has a long trench coat on?"

"Hello, Mr. Gunter I have a few questions about your actions against me. Gunter stands up wearing his large biker jacket "I heard about your wonder drug Raven and I'm Interested in the recipe so how about you work for me, or should the last incident repeat?" Smashing his large fist against the concrete he creates a small crack. Looking straight into his eyes I reply.

"The answer is a hard N O"

Evidently not happy with my answer he reaches into his jacket.

Pulling out a gun, he points it straight at my face. "I will torture the formula out of you!" Getting surrounded by gangsters I raise my arms. "Okay! I will give it to ya just let me take it out"

Showing me his gun that I need to pull it out I reach into my coat and take my makeshift bombs. Slightly striking the fuse I let it burn for a second inside my coat. "What ar-!!" Pushing Gunter's gun out of the way I threw the bomb on the ground.

Exploding a few seconds above the floor a large orange gas forms. "That B**** is trying to escape! catch him!" Screaming Gunter fires his gun. *Bang Bang* Firing a few shots into the Mustard colored smoke he hits nothing. "Niab you didn't tell me this!"

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT YOU WERE GONNA KILL HIM! THIS MEETING IS OVER!" screaming that Niab ends the line. "Whatever! Boys, if we get that bastard alive we will be richer than before!" "Guys this orange smoke does anyone else have a dry throat?" *Cough*

While the smoke covers the area I catch Edward and run with him behind a container. Feeling his grip tighten I quickly speak. "It's me! Raven!" Probably a few seconds before completely crushing my forearms, he let go. "You're a drug dealer?" He asks. "No, I'm just Cook you are going to be the dealer" "What?"

Smiling I ignore his confusion and say "The real show is just about to begin"

*Vrrr Vrrr* Feeling my phone vibrate I answer only to hear Niab's voice.

"I'm Sorry Raven I didn't know he would try to kill you! Please don't cut me off I need that money!" Practically crying into my phone. I hear Niab tell me that she still wants to deal with me. "It's fine I expected this to happen, but I would like it if you believed me more in the future."

"I will but why did you use colored smoke for your escape?"

"Be careful that's not just any smoke. That's chlorine gas,

or at least a weaker mixture of it." Shocked by the revelation, Edward looks at me. "Chlorine gas isn't that an inhumane poison?"

Nodding my head, I look out of our cover. Seeing all the gangsters lying on the ground coughing or passing out, I feel my guilt grow each time one of them coughs blood.

"I'm sorry." "What? You said something?" Hearing Edward question me I realize that I spoke out loud. "Nothing, just let's go." walking out of the cover I see something different. Gunter, Standing tall as the mountain hee is looks me in the eyes and speaks. "You RAT! What did you do to me!" His soaked clothes stick to his skin peeling it off like it's a wrap. "How are you standing?" I ask, not getting a response. I reach into my coat for another bomb in case of an emergency. "I asked,'' What did you do to me!" Gunter's scream makes the entire dock shake. Screaming his lungs out he dashes towards me. 'SHIT!' Striking the bomb. I throw it into Gunter's face.

*BOMB!* Blowing in his face he doesn't stop. shrapnels of the metal can pierce his skin. Roaring like a lion he grabs me by the waist and throws me against the concrete. "GAhhh"

Knocking the air out of my lungs he takes me by the leg and throws me on the other side of the dock. *GASP* Trying to breathe in. I start to panic. 'Will of the Ice grant me strength and pierce my enemies!' Trying to cast magic with all my might I create a large ice spike piercing Gunter's shoulder. "ROAAAAR!"

Hearing gunter Like crazy I try to get up, but it hits me.

My lack of talent in my magic and my immediately casting magic of such size destroys my magical veins. "AAHH" Screaming in pain I fell to the ground as if needles were flowing through my veins stabbing me all over my body I screamed over and over with all my force. I lift my head only to see gunter's breaking the ice spike while wobbling toward me.

Letting my head fall to the ground I wonder. 'Why did I enter the black market? Why was I kicked out of the family? Why did Millie have to die? or will my little sister ever know that she has an older brother? NO! I will see my Lily again as I will live!' Screaming with all my might I stand up.

Both of us at the end of our strengths, I charge against him. Coiling my arm as back as I can. I swing it against Gunter's massive head. Hitting with all my force he falls on his back, but I don't stop. I jump on his chest and continue to punch his face over and over. Each swing carrying all the energy I have I stop only after Edward catches my hand.

"STOP! It's over, it's fine, you're fine!" Holding my hand I gasp for air like crazy. Looking at the gunter's face I see it. His disfigured face, punched in the nose, pouring blood out of his head like he's a fountain.

"Oh my God" Starting to shake I try to listen for any breathing. Silence dead silence.

Edward let go of my hand only to put a hand on his brother's chest. "Nothing" His eyes wide, he looks at me.

"No sound…. N-no Heartbeat…." Realizing what I've just done, my mind goes blank, all I hear is one word.


Starting to sweat, I feel light-headed. "GET IT TOGETHER!" Hearing Niab scream I look around only to see my phone laying on the ground. "Guys get it together the police are on their way under anonymous tips of a gang fight!" Seeing the blue and red lights in the distance. I tried to get up only to fall down.

As all the adrenalin left my body I started to feel the pain of my injuries. Biting down on my lip so I don't scream I get on my feet only to get caught by Edward. "Don't move, I will carry you." Putting me on his shoulder he jumps from container to container until we leave the dockyard.