
Goodie Toast Bag

They headed out of the shop with one bag secured, and Noah let the paper bag swing with him, smacking against his leg at times when the wind got strong, as they continued their stroll down the busy street. She tried to take the bags from him, but Noah had put them out of her reach.

Alice crossed the items bought off with a red pen and continued to read down the list. It didn't matter if her hands were free or not. If it made Noah feel better about himself, she would let him carry her bags all day long. Noah gave her a long look when she said it out loud.

She raised her shoulders in a helpless shrug. "Doing you a favor."

Noah snickered. "Feeling the need to do something don't you?"

"I'm always restless."

"We're two peas in a pod."

"Unwillingly," Alice huffed. "Don't bother saying that we're in the same boat."

"But aren't we?" Noah pointed out logically, being dragged out of their jobs for another expedition.

She turned her eyes back down on her list. Keeping herself organized was something that Alice took pride in since she was always on top of it. They were walking side by side when her attention was caught on a food stand that was in the corner selling some egg sandwiches. 

Alice clapped her hands together excitedly but froze. They needed to continue going on track. They couldn't take too long, but also, going for a few minutes wouldn't hurt. Her feet were going away from the stand before suddenly having a mind of their own, taking over to the empty stand.

She was getting a bit peckish, and an egg sandwich sounded wonderful right now. The food stand was simple, a wooden structure with a white banner that had a cute drawing of an egg.

The woman standing behind the cooking station kindly welcomed her, and Alice pointed to the deluxe version with green onions and crunchy toppings.

Alice complimented the scribbled crayon drawings on the smaller version of a chef's hat perched on the woman's head. Noah came to her side as the woman responded, "My oldest daughter got to my work clothing it seemed."

Alice laughed. "She must be a delight."

The woman nodded, and Alice could see the fondness in the dark eyes across from her. "Would you like two?"

"Yes, that would be great," Noah answered.

The stirred eggs were poured into the pan, and the chef got to work. The scents of all things delicious were mixed in the air. It somehow felt fitting for their outing, and Alice told Noah so.

"A bread sandwich is the perfect move right now. Crispy bread on a windy day along with the soft eggs. But I can't see you eating one."

Noah raised an eyebrow. "I'll show you once it's done then."

"Be honest. Have you eaten an egg sandwich before?"

He smiled. "Why ask when you already know?"

"Then it's a special moment."

The woman handed them their food, pipping hot with steam coming off of the pale white carton full of goodies. There were copious amounts of toppings and they bowed in thanks as they walked to find a spot to eat.

They were kind of derailed from their plans, but the toast smelled so good that Alice didn't mind at all. 

Noah didn't tend to bother to voice his opinion anyway, so she always had to ask him how he was doing. Most of the time it went along the reaction of just staring at her. If he was in a good mood, he would respond with the words "okay" and "fine." She was proud to say that Noah was getting better at it though.