Chapter 044: The person Olivia Jenkins is going to treat is Daniel Marshall

Our son?

These four words coming from Seraphina's mouth, sounded particularly harsh to Andrew Jenkins.

Suddenly, Andrew Jenkins's face darkened, his expression seemingly laced with mockery.

"So all along, you have been covetous of Olivia Jenkins's dowry, constantly calculating how you could get your hands on it."

Seraphina sneered, "Andrew Jenkins, after all these years of marriage, is this how you see me? I've never been more disappointed in you!"

This woman is quite the actress. Fortunately, he saw through her schemes before his death.

Andrew Jenkins's voice was chilling, "You wanted that dowry, then why didn't you let your daughter Hannah Jenkins marry Daniel Marshall? How can you always want to possess all the advantages? Seraphina, can you not have any shame?"