Chapter 046 Drive This Woman Out

Perhaps, there are a considerable number of people wanting to see Daniel Marshall dead.

Those hoping for Daniel Marshall's demise surely aren't few.

If anything happens to Daniel Marshall, even if it makes her a widow, the blame, undoubtedly, would fall on her by the Marshall Family.

The members of the Marshall Family would never let her go; she would still not attain the freedom she yearned for, thus ruining her life along with Daniel Marshall's.

No matter how much Olivia Jenkins detested Daniel Marshall or found him repulsive, at this moment, she remained remarkably sharp and clear-headed.

Frowning in hesitation for a few seconds, Olivia Jenkins announced, "I have O-type blood; I can donate 400CC so that he can have the surgery immediately."

Adam Howard, watching this sudden revelation, had a fire blazing in his eyes. Losing composure slipped through excitement, he exclaimed, "Thank you, sister-in-law, I'm deeply grateful!"