Chapter 124: I Can Help Jenkins Group Go Public

Seraphina clenched her lips, concealing the tumultuous emotions within her.

She could never have imagined that Andrew Jenkins would die so suddenly, leaving behind so many troubles.

If she hadn't been so greedy and had listened to Henry Charles earlier and moved abroad with her kids, she wouldn't be cornered like she was now, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

A glint flashed in her eyes, but Seraphina continued to cajole softly, "Hannah, even though I've known your Uncle Charles for many years, I know very little about his affairs. Your father trusted him completely, so he couldn't have done something like that, could he? Olivia Jenkins is in charge of the audit. Whatever the outcome may be, it's her call. It's also possible that Olivia fabricated it all."

Hannah chose to believe her mother and didn't argue further, "Every department within the company has signed a confidentiality agreement. A lot of people suspect that a major purge is about to happen."