Chapter 219: Contest

With Mr. Alexander Marshall having left, only Bella Thompson and the housemaid were left in the living room.

A flash of resentment flared in Bella's eyes.

She rose up, oblivious to the blood on her hands, and angrily hurled the fruit bowl off the coffee table.

In an instant, fruit was strewn all over the floor.

Bella's countenance grew thunderous, and she roared angrily, "All of you, get the hell out!"

Even though Bella had just been reprimanded and beaten by the old man, she was still the straw boss; therefore, the housemaids had to heed her mood and dared not speak out. They quickly fled the room.

Now alone in the vast living room, Bella sat on the floor and cried out in pain.

Her cries were desolate, filled with uncontrollable resentment.