Chapter 240 Three Hundred Million Gifts

Rubbing her eyes, Olivia Jenkins looked again at the counter display, and there were still many zeros after the number 3.

Olivia Jenkins blinked unbelievably and stared again, the string of numbers still did not change.

Olivia Jenkins stared perplexedly, carefully counting the number of digits displayed on the screen.

It was over 300 million!

My God! Olivia Jenkins had never thought that this bank card would hold so much money.

Olivia Jenkins was somewhat dazed, she withdrew the card hesitantly and carefully put the card away.

It must be that her father gave her the 300 million gift fund.

Her father indeed cared for her, always thinking about her, and still leaving her with some security.

Her father didn't actually take her as a commodity for marriage, he sincerely gave her away, without using her at all...

Suddenly, a wave of sadness surged in her heart, and regret took over her mind, tears silently pooling in Olivia Jenkins' eyes.