Chapter 256: Competing for Favor

Beverly Hills.

Bella Thompson got up and stood on the balcony, watching the old man practicing tai chi nearby.

Even though it was just like any other day, Bella Thompson felt that the old man seemed particularly handsome and spirited today.

Could it be because he had a particularly good night's sleep last night?

Has the pillow that bitch sent him worked?

Thinking about this, Bella Thompson wrinkled her brows, her thoughts drifting far away.

If that bitch Olivia Jenkins becomes the favorite, where would her and Matthew Marshall's positions in the Marshall Family be?

She absolutely cannot allow that bitch to take the lead, nor let her get in power.

Only if the old man loathes Olivia Jenkins, it would be entirely beneficial to her and her son, Matthew Marshall.

Lately, Yonder Group underwent a massive layoff, stirring up public speculation that there might be a significant issue.