Chapter 302 Daniel Marshall, don't go!

When Simon Howard left, he took Benjamin Davis with him.

Jay Bennett followed.

At Greenview Villa, many people spread out to search, but they couldn't find Olivia Jenkins, only Aria Douglas badly injured.

Daniel Marshall immediately arranged for Aria Douglas to be taken to RenewalCare Hospital for treatment.

"Daniel Marshall, you won't find Olivia Jenkins. You should just wait to collect her dead body, ha ha ha...ha ha ha..."

The manic laughter of Xiang Fu echoed continuously in the villa. It was ominous and terrifying!

Daniel Marshall glanced around, and from the highest point of the villa, he saw Xiang Fu.

Daniel Marshall suppressed his explosive anger and persuaded her peacefully, "Xiang Fu, don't repeat mistakes, just stop."

Xiang Fu's emotions were extremely agitated, her expression almost frantic, she glared fiercely, "I won't! Daniel Marshall, I want you to suffer for the rest of your life!"