Chapter 381: The Burden of a Sensible Woman

"Hello! The user you dialed has powered off..."

The other party was apparently ready for an investigation and didn't leave any evidence. Instantly, Olivia Jenkins hit the end call button, no longer pursuing the matter.

The caller was trying to drive a wedge between her and Daniel Marshall, the tricks were very much like Bella Thompson's.

Even if the mastermind wasn't Bella Thompson, it was probably someone aligned with her.

Without a trace of emotion on her beautiful face, Olivia silently deleted all the photos.

Daniel visiting Charmy Bennett was his right.

Daniel visiting Charmy Bennett's parents was his personal matter, and Olivia Jenkins had no right to question that.

Daniel had the right to choose where he wanted to live. After all, it was his house.

These photographs would only rot in Olivia's heart.

Olivia's expression remained unchanged as she continued with her work as if nothing had happened.