Chapter 440: You have exposed your identity

"Is grandma feeling better? Auntie Jane made some congee, I brought some over."

Mrs. Jenkins stared straight at Daniel Marshall without blinking.

Daniel wasn't berating her, nor was he warning or threatening her. He was bringing food for her. Mrs. Jenkins was taken aback, and for a moment, didn't know what to say.

Olivia Jenkins took the thermos Daniel had brought, opened it carefully and spoke, "The results of the gastric examination are out - grandma's condition is not too bad. She has stomach stones, but they're soft, not too severe. The head of the Gastroenterology department said to drink 100 ml of cola every day and have another examination in a week. Her diet needs to be carefully monitored."

Olivia was about to feed her grandma when Daniel took the bowl from her, "Honey, there is sweetened jujube and snow fungus soup in the other thermos, it's warm and good for the moment. Let me feed the congee to grandma."