Chapter 465: The gentleman won't be back tonight

Having casually come across Olivia Jenkins' car, Benjamin Johnson became more certain that the violin she used for her performance was indeed Charmy Bennett's.

As clever as Olivia is, she would definitely not use Charmy's things. There must be some secret in all this.

Benjamin Johnson didn't change his course, but still drove to Jay Bennett's house to find out what was happening.

Upon arrival, Benjamin Johnson rang the doorbell. No one answered, and he called Jay Bennett, but Jay also didn't pick up.

Seeing Jay Bennett's car still parked in the yard, Benjamin Johnson concluded that Jay must be at home, and something must have happened just now.

His sharp gaze scanned the inside freely, as Benjamin Johnson shouted loudly, "Jay Bennett, open the door!".

"Jay Bennett, you're at home, right? Why don't you open the door? Why aren't you answering your phone?"