Chapter 507: Nowhere to Hide

In a flash, the sickroom fell silent.

Daniel Marshall and Olivia Jenkins shared a glance.

After a brief eerie silence, a family member of the patient in the adjacent bed said: "Youngsters, had a quarrel, haven't you? As the saying goes, arguments at the bedside get resolved at the bed foot. A little compromise on both sides will make it go away. Your man treats you well, far better than mine. You should appreciate it."

Next to them, seemingly, a father and daughter were occupying, their glances swept over Olivia only once.

Unaware of the actual circumstances, Olivia felt no urge to argue with the strangers.

Yes, Daniel treated her well, yet, as a husband, he failed to fulfill his responsibilities. The chasm between them was something they alone could surmount and understand.

Daniel looked towards the neighboring bed and with a soft laugh responded, "Thank you, but it's not about my wife. It's me who hasn't been good enough. Before, it was me who upset her."