Chapter 512: Please Restrain Yourself a Bit

Olivia Jenkins knitted her brows slightly in thought.

Didn't the agreement state that the Jenkins Group could not cooperate with the Marshall Corporation? If Daniel Marshall were to do such a thing, wouldn't that be breaking the agreement?

If her father-in-law knew that the Marshall Corporation was cooperating with the Jenkins Group, wouldn't that give him another excuse to make waves?

What position was Daniel putting her in?

Drawing in her lips, Olivia Jenkins calmly said, "I am very grateful for all of your trust in me. I need to think about it. Also, I would like to see Chief Daniel Marshall's detailed plan."

Daniel Marshall spread his hands nonchalantly, his gentle eyes looking at Olivia Jenkins. His deep voice softened, "Wife, I'll give you the detailed plan tonight."

In an instant, many people stared in surprise at both Olivia Jenkins and Daniel Marshall.