Chapter 543 Freshness is treasure

All the women in the room were staring at the big screen of the banquet hall, envying Mrs. Olivia Marshall, amazed at the stunning beauty of her gown.

If she wanted stars, she got stars. They were all jealous of Chief Daniel Marshall's too deep indulgence in Mrs. Olivia Marshall's needs!

Such a pity, they could only watch from a distance.

Most of them understood their social standing; Mrs. Olivia Marshall was the moon surrounded by stars, unmatched by anyone else.

Even with uncontrollable rage cascading in Grace Ziegler's heart, she had to force herself to suppress it.

She believed her dress was perfect, but if compared to Mrs. Olivia Marshall's, it was indeed a disgrace. No wonder Secretary Garcia sneered at her attempts to seem spectacular, no wonder he scoffed at her confidence - she really could not compete head-on with Mrs. Olivia Marshall.

Grace Ziegler stared at the screen, watching the golden couple, and let out a cynical laughter.