Chapter 572: Miscarriage Record

Daniel Marshall's hawk-like eyes unblinkingly stared at the computer screen.

The stock price was plummeting too quickly; it was indeed unusual.

Yet, Daniel Marshall's handsome features did not show the slightest fluctuation of emotion, he calmly ordered, "Buy as much as we have money for."

Oliver Johnson's expression turned solemn, "Daniel, someone is trying to manipulate Marshall Corporation's stock price, creating panic."

Adam Howard pursed his lips, asking, "Shall we investigate who is pulling the strings behind the scenes?"

Daniel Marshall calmly responded, "No need, it's all within my expectations. No matter how much the person behind this is selling, buy it all."

"Yes sir!"

Without any coordination, both Oliver Johnson and Adam Howard immediately made calls.

Daniel Marshall was already prepared for this battle; as soon as he gave the order, their traders would spring into action.