Chapter 593: Scared to the point of turning pale

With the Master forgetting her, Bella Thompson thought it had its pros and cons.

Although he does not recognize her as a family member now, everyone could thus forget about the unpleasant past.

If she were to be constantly scrutinised by him, the disadvantages would outweigh the advantages, and it would compromise her and Matthew Marshall's ability to live in the Marshall family home.

The most important thing now is to re-establish a good relationship with the Master, gain his trust, and to replace the positions of Daniel Marshall and Olivia Jenkins.

She hoped that the Master would appreciate Matthew, change his mind, and hand over the Marshall Corporation to Matthew.

It would be best if she could persuade the Master to drive Daniel and Olivia out of the Marshall Family.

With these beautiful wishes in mind, Bella cooked a pot of congee with scallop and lean meat for the Master, took Matthew with her, and visited the Master again at the RenewalCare Hospital.
