Chapter 645: Show Sincerity

Daniel Marshall took in everything the psychologist said.

Daniel's eyes involuntarily squinted, his pupils contracted, and his facial expression twitched somewhat.

There were also surging emotions within Daniel.

The three primary symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder noted by the psychologist, he had them all.

Especially in the first year after Charmy Bennett's death, he often suffered from insomnia and nightmares, always recalling the horrible state in which she died. His mind was filled as if with blood, and he often wished he could go back to before the accident, preferring that he was the one hit by the car...

During that period, his only solace was alcohol.

Only when he was drunk could he forget the pain and fall asleep.

Even when his grandfather advised him to have a child, he mentally convinced himself with various excuses. He fancied that he could live happily with Olivia Jenkins without children, which was a sign of his avoidance behavior.