Chapter 649: Cold-blooded

"Daniel, it's good to see you thinking like this, it shows you're a sensible kid. After you're discharged from the hospital, you're always welcome to come over for meals. The maid at home makes really good dumplings and hand-pulled noodles,"

Mrs. Jenkins still had a kind face, a faint smile playing at the corners of her mouth, as she sized up Olivia Jenkins and Daniel Marshall with a sharp gaze.

Daniel's handsome features were softened by a friendly smile, his eyes filled with warmth, "Grandma, Olivia and I will make time to come visit you."

"Right now, my body temperature is around 99.5°F. The chief doctor said I would continue to be hydrated today. If my fever subsides this afternoon, I could get an x-ray tomorrow. If there's significant improvement, I could be discharged."

Mrs. Jenkins nodded, "That's good to hear. You're not coughing so much now, and your voice has somewhat recovered."