Chapter 751: She Wants to Jump Off the Building

Undeniably, there were many who wanted to drive a wedge between them, but wasn't there an issue with Daniel Marshall himself?

It was precisely because of Daniel Marshall's issues that the low villains' crafty plots succeeded time and time again.

Olivia Jenkins remained expressionless, her whole body exuding indifference as she pushed away Daniel Marshall's hand decisively.

Olivia Jenkins didn't want to say any more, she was just packing her things quietly.

"Wife, we have already gone through the most difficult first year together. We've also overcome so many adversities together. Are you really going to give up now? Don't you think it's a pity? Doesn't your heart ache?"

"No matter what kind of trick or conspiracy they throw at us, it's all aimed at our happiness. They don't want us to be happy together because we pose a threat to their interests. Honey, please calm down, don't act impulsively."

All of a sudden, Daniel Marshall held Olivia Jenkins tight.