Chapter 766: Still Want to Disgust Olivia Jenkins

With the help of a local guide, Daniel Marshall and Simon Howard rented a house to live in.

The place was not too far from Olivia Jenkins' film set, which was to Daniel's liking.

Under the guidance of the local guide, Daniel Marshall and Simon Howard took a tour around Discovery County.

The entire county was rather underdeveloped, many areas still in need of financial aid and improvements. Daniel immediately contacted the main person in charge of the foundation, ready to pull some strings and provide funds to improve the locals' lives.

After a moment of thought, Simon said, "Daniel, you're doing so much, is she appreciative?"

Daniel stated firmly, "The original intention of establishing this foundation was to benefit the public. Now, improving their living conditions, to help them find a better way out, is something we should do. My wife is my guide, and I should be grateful to her. Simon, stop always seeing her with prejudice, and don't expect rewards for every deed."