Chapter 793: Back

Olivia Jenkins was sure she hadn't mistaken the person; the man she saw was indeed Daniel Marshall.

In an instant, Olivia blinked in utter shock, disbelief reflected in her wide eyes.

Hadn't Daniel said he had urgent business to attend and left Serene City?

Suddenly, a headache hit Olivia, and her mind went blank. Her face tinged with color.

Seeing that Daniel was checking himself out, Olivia instinctively decided not to make any purchases and quietly followed Daniel.

Olivia watched as Daniel got into an unremarkable sedan, the driver was not Simon Howard.

Olivia also saw Daniel go to ResilientCare Hospital with her own eyes, and moreover, Daniel was headed to the VIP ward.

Was Daniel sick?

Although she only saw from afar, Olivia could conclude that he was not.

So, who was the person admitted to the VIP ward at ResilientCare Hospital?

Olivia was full of questions, but she no longer had the courage to delve deeper.