Ch. XIII | It Was A Good Life


The ground around him was soaked in blood; and there, lying there wheezing on the ground, was Steele. He was covered in bruises and cuts. A massive object was shoved into his side, sticking straight up to point at the sky. Each inhalation sounded like a struggle.

My heart had ached like this only twice in my life; being abandoned by Terrilyn's father and having to leave Terrilyn when I moved to the city. It was breaking. I was breaking. I gave Terrilyn another quick hug.

"Momma? Is he going to be okay?" asked Terrilyn.

"I… I don't know baby. I'm going to go see him," I said, stepping toward Steele.

"Wait! Momma, I'm scared. Don't go. Don't leave me." I didn't have words. I needed to take care of my daughter, but I also needed to see if Steele was alright. I knelt in front of Terrilyn and looked her in the eyes. When did she get so big?

"I know sweetheart. I know you're scared. I'm scared too," I said as calmly as I could while feeling the panic raising in my throat. Terrilyn sniffed and looked me in the eyes.

"You're scared?" she asked, lip quivering.

"Yes sweetheart. I was, and still am, scared. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to protect you and keep you safe, but Steele helped me do that. I was scared that we wouldn't get here in time. I… I am scared for the families out there now who still need help; and I'm scared for Steele. He's really hurt and I need to go make sure he's alright."

I could see the conflict in my daughter's eyes; yet, somehow, a wisdom beyond her years shone through. Her lip stopped quivering and she looked through me, into me, and nodded, eyes still glossy from the gathering tears.

I could only smile and give her a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll be back soon. I love you sweetheart."

With that, I turned and sprinted toward Steele's face.

"Steele! Steele!" I shouted. My feet carried me faster and faster down the embankment until I was nearly there. His eyes barely flickered open. "Steele!" My shout sounded more like a choked sob.

Please… please let him be alright.


My eyes felt tired and heavy. Every breath ached. I could feel my pulse in my temple, and it was fading. I wondered why I wasn't slipping away completely. Why hadn't the darkness taken me?


I knew why.

I needed to make sure she was okay. I needed to see Raina once more. Had she gotten away? Was she in the carriage? Had she made it to the woods?

I attempted to command my body to stand – to obey – but it refused to move. In fact, everything screamed in pain. I was exhausted and sleep beckoned me forward.

I heard something.

"I'll be back soon. I love you sweetheart."

I love you sweetheart? The voice sounded familiar. Raina! Was she speaking to Terrilyn? What were these words?

I love you.

It was then that I heard something else. Something getting closer.

"Steele! Steele!" It was undoubtedly Raina. "Steele!" She was crying; no, sobbing.

I suddenly felt a pressure against my forehead. It was so soft, so gentle. Was this Raina? I finally managed to force my eyes open to see her with her hand against the bridge of my nose and other hand resting in between my brow. I forced myself to breathe evenly, painful as it was, and reached up with my left hand until the tips of my fingers brushed against Raina's back.

She was so small.

So fragile.

So strong.

It was her strength that inspired me and her bravery that brought me to this place. I smiled weakly.

"Raina," I said, voice barely above a breath. I wished I didn't sound so feeble after a heart wrenching triumph. Many thoughts came and went in my head in an instant. Whether they had the strength to form coherent words was beyond me at this point. Only one thought eventually surfaced which meant more than any of them.

"You're alright."

Raina smiled, laughing slightly accompanied by a wet cough, as she sniffed and wiped her eyes. She nodded over and over, tears still falling from her eyes.

"Yes, I'm alright. Viyoo-en rhonor," said Raina before choking another sob. "But you're not; and it's because of me. I'm the reason you're hurt."

I shook my head subtly, wincing immediately and partially regretting moving even the slightest bit as my head spun with another bout of nausea.

"No. I hurt because of me," I managed to say after collecting myself. Why was it so hard to breathe? Why was it getting so cold? I tried curling my toes, but couldn't feel them. Not a good sign.

"Raina," I said, pressing my fingers against her, wishing I could eternalize the warmth of her skin against mine. "I am free. I am free thanks to you." I smiled again as Raina leaned back and searched my eyes for any hint of regret or anger. I was proud to say she found none and could only lean more against me.

I could hear something rumbling in the ground. Was I hearing things? Perhaps. I refocused on Raina as she pulled back slightly. I didn't need to have clear vision to see she was looking at the blade currently submerged in my side.

"I… I have to get help. I have to help you. We… we can fix this," she said with as much confidence as she could muster. I could hear it in her voice. "Just hold on, Steele. I'm going to help you."

I heard it again. Rumbling. My ears weren't playing tricks on me. Something was coming; or, rather, many smaller things were coming. That's when we heard it.


We had run out of time.

I knew it was going to happen at some point – the people of the town coming to hunt down and kill whoever was left. I looked at my hand. It did look like I was grabbing at Raina, keeping her against her will. Raina turned her eyes, those beautiful eyes, away to the person who was currently running away from us.

"Wait! Wait! No! Come back!" Raina shouted. She started to step away.


Please… don't leave.

I spread my fingers and moved my arm so my fingers just barely brushed against her. She turned to look at me, once again pressing her back against my fingertips.

"Raina… please… Stay…" I panted, finding my vision swirling faster as the world slowed. I winced again from moving my arm in front of her. My lungs wheezed and I tensed in an attempt to stifle the cough. Instantly, I regretted it. The tenseness in my body seized, sending a ripping burning throughout every nerve, making them scream in agony.

All I could do without sending this jarring pain through the rest of my body and spasming on the ground was to clench my jaw and press my hand into the ground, scraping at the dirt beneath my fingers.

"Steele, I need to reach him. I need to tell him there's been a mistake," said Raina, stepping beside my hand, kneeling, and placing her hands against the top of my hand. "Maybe I can get them to help me. Please! I have to…"

"No…" I said. I hated cutting her short, but the pinpoints clouding my vision were narrowing with each passing moment.

"N…no?" she asked, confused. "Steele, you're hurt. You need bandages. Herbs."

I looked her in the eye, seeing seemingly right through and into her. My vision was clear enough to see her beginning to see what I meant.

I was tired.

I was hurt – more than I had been in my youth; and age was not on my side. Even as I interrupted her the first time, I felt my eyes beginning to gloss. Raina's jaw suddenly slackened and she looked at me disbelievingly.

"Raina… please… Trust me. Go. Run. Do not listen. Do not watch. Please… Trus…"

"No… No, Steele! You can't just give up! You can't give up on me like this!" Raina had never sounded like this before. She let out a wailing sob as she clutched one closed fist to her chest and kept her balance with her other hand on the top of my hand.

My heart ached, but not because of the injuries that broke my body. This hurt in my chest was different than any other. Still, I managed to muster a small smile that turned the edges of my lips and didn't cause pain. I rotated my hand slightly and curled my fingers inward, almost cradling Raina from all sides.

It reminded me of when she came to me earlier and threw herself into the crook of my hand near my thumb. She leaned into my hand and brought her clutched hand to her face, trying to stifle another sob.

"Raina," I said again, this time working to soothe her. Between wheezing breaths, I spoke one word at a time, treating each like an accomplishment as I managed to finish the word. "It is alright. I… have lived… because of you. I have restored… my family name… because of you. Do not… be sad. You gave me back… my life."

Raina sobbed and wrapped her arms around my thumb, clutching onto it as if she were hanging over a ledge. I curled my fingers tighter so they brushed against her left shoulder. I managed another smile as she looked back up into my eyes.

At that moment, I could hear the rumbling getting closer again. My blurry eyes could see more people coming, cresting over the top of the ledge like warriors of old. They were carrying torches and makeshift weapons; however, they were still far enough away.

It was time.

"Raina… Trust me… once more… please… go…" I pleaded. "Do not watch what happens."

Raina shook her head over and over again.

"No. No. No! I won't! I won't let it happen!" she cried. "Don't give up on me Steele! Please! I can't… I can't lose you!"

"THERE! She's there! It has her!" I heard shouting that sounded too distant for how close they were. Raina, looking around panicked, stood and steadied herself against my partially closed hand.

"No! Stop! It's okay! He's not going to hurt any of us!" Raina turned to the now formed crowd of people.

Suddenly, three of them rushed forward, pitchforks in hand.

"No! Please!" Raina's words were ignored as the three men charged forward and plunged their makeshift weapons into the top of my left arm, making my fingers spasm and open. Two of them rushed around toward Raina as the other retrieved their weapon and continued jabbing over and over.

They didn't mean her harm. I knew that much. They were trying to protect her – though they didn't need to. I understood. I kept my fingers splayed and watched as the two men rushed around, grabbed Raina, and started pulling her away.

"You're alright now. We've got you. We're going to keep you safe from this thing." They were saying over and over.

Raina wasn't having it. She thrashed in their grasp, lashing out and kicking one hard in the shin. Their grip faltered and she ran at me once again, pressing herself against my forehead.

"Steele… please…" When Raina's voice cracked, so did my heart. I felt warm moisture gather in my eyes as I memorized that warmth, like the flickering of a candle during a cold sunset. If I felt nothing else in my life, I would be happy.

Sadly, I knew of one more thing I would feel before my end.

As the two ran up and retrieved Raina again, pulling her away, something was wheeled to the top of the hill. It reminded me of the crossbows many of the soldiers carried; however, it was much bigger.

The bolt itself was as long as my finger if not longer. Evidently, the people had learned from the first attack that they needed to be able to defend themselves and created this menacing weapon.


I heard them winding the tension in the string back with each notch the wheel caught. All the while, Raina called out my name over and over, each cry sending a chill down my spine. That instinct of protection reared, willing me to do something to save her.

My vision was quickly fading. The tightening in my chest made my wheezing all the more painful. Everything in me felt numb and cold except for the tips of my fingers which still possessed that moment of warmth Raina had gifted me.


A realization kept me firmly on the ground.

She was safe.

She was with her people.


"Ready to fire…"

"Steele! Please!" She called to me again. I sought out her eyes and connected with them. I smiled for Raina. The memories of our first meeting. The recollection of her coming to my aid when I was sick. Our countless lessons where, finally, I could understand her people.

I don't know why, but somehow those words made more sense now; and as I looked at her they were the last thing that came to mind.

"I love you… Raina."

My vision faded.

My breath faded.

I slipped into darkness with Raina calling my name and her name in my heart.

Yes… it was a good life.