Alex no demon episode 2

It was a good bright morning, alex wakes up and looks outside the window. He smiles in excitement and says today is the day he gets to go to the Academy and get to be an assassin who goes on high rank missions. As he goes to the bathroom to prepare for the day he tells himself that he is going to become stronger no matter what happens. Later in the day inside the Academy, everyone is sited in the classroom talking to each other and playing. Alex comes in and sees kinto and Baraka (alex childhood friends)sitting down together in the classroom with each other. He approaches them while calling their names. Baraka calls alex name in excitement and says he's glad to see him. Kinto asks him if he has any idea on who his team mates will be,alex says he has no idea but it better not be some guy he isn't cool with. Baraka reminds him of that kazuki guy he used to have a little problem with before, alex sighs and says he prays that he never gets in a team with that guy.Alex then sees kazuki walking to his seat and they both make eye contact which gives both of them an irritating look on their faces. Serena and sukuna while seeing alex and kazuki sighs and says that she Hope's everything goes well,sukuna laughs and says that alex and kazuki will never change with their crazy rivalry.

Tomoa comes in the classroom and tells everyone to settle down and listen to the information that is going to be said. He says that he is going to be classifying people into their various teams. He starts calling peoples names and putting them on the same team. He calls kinto,baraka and sukuna and tells them they are in the same team. Sukuna sighs and tells serena that she hoped to be on the same team with her,serena then smile and tells her that she shouldn't worry at all that they both will still remain friends as always Alex sighs on the table and asks himself that If he's not going to be with kinto and Baraka then who will he be teamed up with, Tomoa then calls alex, serena and kazuki and tells them that they will be on the same team. At first alex yells in excitement but then he remembers kakuki's name was mentioned as one of his team mates,he pauses for a while and then screams. He looks confused and asks himself why he has to be in a team with kazuki of all people, kazuki says he cant believe he's in a team with a bone head like alex and then they both start arguing. Serena punch's them both on the head and tells them to shut the hell up. Tomoa then notifies everyone that they will be having a little test, he tells everyone that their first test is to go to the dead forest, he tells them that it's a test of survival. An hour later, all the teams are in front of the gate of the dead wood forest. Tomoa tells them that the test is for them to go into the dead forest and find some energy stones.He explains to everyone that energy stones are stones which have incredible power and can boost a person's energy levels depending on how strong the individual is. Alex stretched and says this mission will be a simple piece of pie. Serena tells him that he he doesn't know what is in the forest so how can he be so sure, alex then smiles and says that everyone is looking at the most powerful person in the world, kazuki looks at alex with slight irritation and says to himself that no one else but himself is going to achieve that goal. Kinto says that hs doesn't like the looks of this,Baraka then says he just wants to finish this and go home, sukuna tells them to stop being lazy.

Tomoa then opens the gates to the forest and tells them to beginning. Everyone starts to jump in the forest and starts jumping from tree to tree, some of the students are sensing their surroundings for any energy stones while some are just looking around. Alex, serena and kazuki were just jumping from tree to tree in search for anything, serena tells them to be careful in order not to get involved in any traps. As they were in the move, serena mistakenly activates a trap and then a giant boulder from no where just comes falling almost hitting her,Alex activates his energy fist technique and punches the boulder away, a bunch of daggers come out of no where nearly hitting alex but then kazuki uses a technique called spiritual explosion(a large purple fire ball) to counter the daggers. Alex gets shocked by seeing this attack and kazuki calls him a knuckle head and tells him to concentrate if he doesn't want his head to go lose. Alex then tells him that he had it under control and serena tells them to stop making arguing with each other. A few hours later alex,kazuki and serena were sitting on a tree tired, serena says that it's so hard to pass this test. She says that we have been searching for hours and they haven't not even a single energy stone. Alex who is looking so un bothered is hanging upside down, he starts to sense his surroundings and then he picks up a sharp feeling coming from a nearby hole. He quickly jumps down from the tree and tell serena and kazuki that he found something. He goes over to were he picked up the energy signal and finds an energy stone. He tells in excitement and says that he finally found it, serena askd him if its actually an energy stone and then kazuki insults alex by telling him he's a knuckle head. Alex tells him to shut up and then kazuki tells them both to keep quiet, they begin to hear a grumble from the ground and then a giant scorpion pops out of the ground. Kazuki yells that everyone should run. They all start to run for their lives, kazuki is jumping from tree to tree as fast as possible while alex is just flash stepping both on ground to air. As serena is was running for her life, the scorpion carries a giant log of wood and throws it at her, alex looks back and yells her name, her fist then starts to spark out electricity and then she punches the log of wood to pieces in an instant. Alex is then surprised to see her perform an incredible attack like that and then the scorpions tail just pops out of the ground ready to stab her with it. Alex then quickly flash steps out of no where and kicks the scorpion tail in order to save her.He asks her if she's ok, she tells alex to look out for the scorpion and just before alex knew it, the scorpion stabs him straight up with its tail. Serena screams alex name and then the scorpion smashes him to a tree. Kazuki zooms out of nowhere to save him but the scorpion uses its tail to hit him away. As the scorpion approaches alex, he tries to stand up and then it grabs alex by his neck and hits him on the ground countless times, alex asks himself what he's going to do next and then as the scorpion is about to finally kill him, serena shouts hid name and then all of a sudden alex hair turns red. The scorpion is about to use its claws to kill him but then as it was coming, he opens his eyes which turns red all of a sudden and then he flash steps out of the scorpions claws. He flash steps behind the scorpion and then punched it so hard that it flew through a couple of tree's. The scorpion gets up angrily and roars out loudly, alex then flash steps out of nowhere and starts to punch the scorpion multiple times. It stretches out its hand to grab alex but then alex slaps its hand so hard that it rips out in an instant. The scorpion tries to run away but as alex tries to go after it to give it the final blow, it uses its tail to slap him off and then he comes back to his normal self.

Alex then lies on the floor unconsciously and his red hair turns back to it's normal grey hair. Kazuki who was shocked out of seeing the crazy power alex just used says to himself that Alex is something else. Later in the evening, kazuki is carrying alex on his back while serena asks him if alex is awake, they get to the gate of the dead forest which they started from, their team is the only one their. Tomoa asks them if they were able to get the energy stones and kazuki says they lost it. Tomoa tells them they lost but then he explains to them that in order for them to make up for the test they failed, they would have to fight their team captain tommorow who would be announced to all teams tommorow . He sees as how injured alex looks while kazuki carries him on his back and then he sighs.

End of episode.