Alex no demon episode 14

Alex and Raquel were sitting down in the park, she asks him if his wounds have healed up from the last mission they had. Alex says he is fine and asks her how she's doing, Raquel says that she is ok but just seems to be abit bored than usual. She says that all she does is just train and do nothing more, she tells alex that she is the daughter of the leader of the attack clan which is on the other side of the city. Alex says he has heard of the clan before but never really seems to pay attention about it,Raquel says that the attack clan have the ability to shoot and create sharp objects with spikes out tiger their bodies, Alex then says that he finds the attack clan really cool and awesome. Raquel smiles and says she is glad to hear that and then Alex asks her how she is able to use crystal, Raquel says that the attack clan have a goddess they worship and once in every thousand years someone is chosen as her reincarnation who would be blessed with the goddess power. Raquel says the goddess was know for her ability to use crystals and even created celestial bodies out of crystals, alex then says that the fact she is a reincarnate, she is very cool. Raquel pauses for a second and starts to laugh, alex asks her if he said anything funny and then she smiles and tells alex that is the nicest thing anyone has told her. Few hours later alex opens the door to his house and tells Raquel that they are at his house, he enters and tells her to feel free. Raquel comes in and takes a look at the living and says that she likes the place, she says that the house is really nice and then sits down on a chair. Alex asks her if she would take something to eat and then she says that she'd really like some noodles, as the noodles was cooking Alex and Raquel were playing some video games at the living room. Raquel beats alex and then she says she wins the game. Alex says he had no idea she was good with games and Raquel tells him that she just pressed random buttons. Alex stand up to and says he is going to check on the noodles, few moments later they were done with the noodles and Raquel says she is full. Alex then laughs and says she ate about 10 bowls in a row and then when she looks to her left she sees a pile of bowls, alex with a smile on his face tells her that for a girl to eat this much she must be something. Raquel says she eats alot sometimes, she looks around and asks alex if he is the only one who lives in the house. Alex pause for a second and says he is the only one living in the house, he tells Raquel that it has always been like that since he was a kid. He says that when he was just a kid of 4 years old his grandfather left him and since then he has not seen him, he explains to her that his grandfather and kojin are friends and that kojin has been keeping an eye on him. Raquel gets a sad look on her face and says she is sorry for asking a question like that, alex laughs and says that its funny how he actually enjoys it, he says that he likes the way the place can be quiet and how the sun shines every day to suit the quiet environment. Raquel smiles abit and tells alex that she likes the fact that he loves his space to himself and she also says she also likes her space to herself to. Raquel asks Alex if she can see his room and Alex says he doesn't have a problem with that, she enters his room and finds it abit scanty. Alex says that he hasn't really had Time to arrange the room and Raquel says she will help him clean it up. After she finished cleaning Alex's room, the room looks very neat and to alex amazement he says that he had never seen his room so neat before even when he actually cleans it. Raquel tells him that he is welcome and Alex jumps straight to his bed immaculately, Raquel lies down with him and then says to herself that she wishes she can stay like this with Alex. Alex asks her If everything is ok and then she smiles and says everything is good, as Alex was just about to stand up from his bed he touches her breast by mistake. Raquel gets abit nervous and asks him why he did that,Alex says it was accidental and she pauses for a moment and Asks him in a shy manner if he can do it again. Alex not knowing what was going on touches it again and says that he actually finds it really soft, as he touching he breast ahe raises up her skirt and asks him if he can touch her down. Alex touches her bottom and says that she wasn't joking when she said she was the reincarnation of a godess, she then jumps on Alex and then kisses him while he was holding her waist. Kinto jumps in from the window on alex house, opens the window of alex room and enters with Baraka and son and see's Alex and Raquel doing their business. Baraka,kinto and son were shocked with their mouths open but yet had a confused look on their faces and son ask kinto if they should stop them and kinto then calls alex name. Alex and Raquel stops what they were doing and alex ask them when they got in, Raquel who was abit embarrassed tells alex she is leaving and says she had a fun time with him and then she runs out the house with her face beat red. Son, kinto and Baraka yell in excitement and then kinto asks him how he was able to pull of a stunt like that, son says he didn't know alex was good at stuff like these while Baraka says he wishes something like that would happen to him one day. Kinto then ask alex how soft her boobs were and son says that he should spill everything out while Baraka says he would like to know. Alex sighs and says and says that he wishes it could last longer and they all begin to laugh.