Alex no demon episode 19

Alex, kazuki and serena along with kinto, Baraka and sukuna were in a restaurant drink some soup, alex after drinking 6 blows at once says he's full and that he could use a nap, kazuki says it was about time he had a full stomach, kinto trying to make fun of alex says that he almost thought alex had a wel in his belly for him to drink 6 blows of soup with ease. Baraka drops his bowl of soup and asks kinto if he heard the news, kinto ask him what the news was about and Baraka says that mori is finally back from his 3 years of mission. Kinto who seems uninterested after hearing that sighed and said he wished that guy never came back. Serena ask who mori is and sukuna explains to her that he was the only guy who made it to C rank level at the age of 9, alex who also seemed uninterested says that this mori guy sounds more of a big shot. Baraka explains that mori is one of the most skilled assassins who is well trained to hand to hand combat and is a really good tactician, kinto then says he never liked mori from the start. Kazuki then gets off his seat and says he couldn't care less about this mori guy and then he leaves, alex says he is full and then he gets off his seat and goes outside the restaurant. Meanwhile in kojin's office, kojin welcomes mori from his 3 years mission and asks him how he has been doing, mori says he has finished off the enemy that has posed a threat to the city. Kojin says he is glad to hear that, he then tells mori that he can finally stay in the city and attend normal missions,mori then tells him that he is better off without any team mates. He says that a skilled assassin like himself doesn't need people to on lower ranks to get in his way, he says that he'd rather let himself and his team go on missions rather than going with other assassins on Lower levels. Mori exists the office and then kojin sighs and says to himself that things aren't going to go well the way he is looking at it. While mori was walking on the streets on his own, deo calls out mori's name from a far distance waving to him, mori looks back and see's deo approaching him. As they both were walking together deo asks him how things have been since he went on the 3 years mission, mori says that it wasn't easy but things managed to turn out good at the end. Deo then tells him that things have also been going well in the city as well, he explains to him that they went on some crazy missions. Mori asks deo about the other assassins, deo says that most of them are D rank except from himself and runo. Mori then says that he cant believe kojin will send a bunch of D rankers on missions that are very dangerous, deo then gets a funny expression on his face and asks him if he will like to meet the rest of them. As they both were walking down the street, runo jumps out of nowhere in excitement and asks mori how he has been. Mori who didn't seem to be surprised tells her she hasn't changed at all, runo says its been 3years since they have seen each other so its only normal for her to act excited. Deo tells her that he was just about to take him to meet everyone, runo says she will accompany him. While alex and the rest were by the river, runo introduces mori to everyone. Sukuna yells mori's name in excited and says that it's been too long since they've seen him and Alex whispers to kinto asking him if that's the mori guy that everyone has been talking about lately, kinto tells him to lower his voice abit. While sukuna was all over the place with mori, he heard when alex was whispering to kinto and then ask alex to shut the hell up. Alex looks at him with the corner of his eye and asks him what his deal is and mori tells alex he heard his name while whispering and ask him what he was saying. Alex starts to get abit aggressive and tells him that its non of his business and mori walks up to him with a terrifying look in his face and asks him if he wants to die so bad. Alex pushes him away and then grabs his shirt and tells mori not to mess with him at all, mori calls alex a weakling and asks him if he is implying that he can actually beat him and then alex proceeds in trying to punch him but kinto grabs alex fist and tells him he should calm down. Kazuki who was watching the whole thing says he is going home to train, kinto while holding alex by his wrist says that he will be going home too and then he drags Alex along with him. As they were walking home, alex asks kinto why he stopped him earlier and kinto tells him that mori is very dangerous. Kinto tells alex that mori is a C rank assassin who has been going on missions since he was 9 years old, he tells alex that mori is very skillful with hand to hand combat and aside from that he is very manipulative. Alex says he doesn't care about how strong he is, he says that just looking at him he knows that mori is just a proud bastard who thinks he is better than everyone. Kinto says he doesn't like him either but there is nothing he can do, he tells alex that the person who has suffered from mori the most is Raquel and then alex gets shocked. Kinto explains to alex that mori has always been picking on her and calling her weak since they were little and sometimes he always beat her for no reason, alex then says to himself that if he ever has a chance to face mori he'd beat him to his heart content. Kinto then looks up in the sky and says he had a feeling he would say something like that, meanwhile as mori was walking on the street he and Raquel mistakenly hit each other and then she falls on the ground. As she tries to stand up she tells him to watch were he's going and then to her surprise she realizes it was mori, mori who was looking at her with a terrifying look in his face says that he didn't expect to see her at all, this makes raquel starts to pant in fear. Later in the day around 6pm alex entered his house and smells something cooking, he asks himself if he left the gas on fire and then sighs. As he goes to the kitchen he hears a familiar voice homming, he is a bit shocked and then he ask himself if it is who he thinks it is. Just when he opens the kitchen door he sees his grandpa( Who is in his fifties) cooking. Alex then gets shocked in excitement and then his grandpa turns back with a smile on his face and ask alex how he has been doing all these years since he left