Alex no demon episode 26

After defeating sakura, raquel goes to meet serena and sukuna who were treating their wounds and tells them that she just handled everything. Serena tells her that the fight took longer than she expected it to be and Raquel tells her that sakura was actually a hard one. Sukuna says she is glad that no one got hurt badly and then she she asks about the boys. As Alex, kinto and Baraka were walking along the forest, they see kazuki, alex ask kazuki if he was able to catch the guy controlling the puppets and kazuki who had a suspicious look on his face tells him that the city of raijin planned the whole situation. Alex gets confused and ask him what he is talking about. Kazuki tells him that he doesn't have time to explain and then kazuki tells them that they need to find the energy stone in time so they all can be through with this battle of domain thing. Kinto who was helping Baraka to walk says that he knows what kazuki is talking about, kinto tells alex that he suspects that most of the city of raijin assassins that participate in this battle of domains have effectively long range attacks and that they might also have been C-rank. He tells alex that he can bet the city of raijin had planned to attack from a distance so they can separate everyone. Alex says it doesn't matter anymore he says he can bet that most of them are already down, as they were walking along the forest, deo and son end up meeting alex, kinto and Baraka on the way. Kinto is shocked to see them and asks them if they are ok, son says that he is ok and deo says that his injuries are just minor. Serena, sukuna and Raquel meet the boys as they were talking, alex see's them and asks were they have been the whole time. Serena says that they had a really though time while fighting and son stretches and says that he is glad that everyone is ok. Kinto then says that there is only one person they haven't defeated yet, sukuna asks who the person is and kinto explains that the person has the ability to control puppets from a far distance, he also says that he is 100% sure that he can also control people as well. Alex then says that the guy is very good at hiding so it will be difficult to find him. Raquel activates her god eye and tries to see if she can spot the person. She says that she hasn't seen anyone hiding so far, deo says that he would love to have search for the guy but he is way to tired to do anything. Alex then senses something really disturbing and then all of a sudden a slash begins to destroy the tree's as well as the forest around them. All the trees start to collapse and then as one of the trees was about collapse on them, son quickly blast out a fire ball at the tree to prevent it on falling on them. Raquel uses her god eye to see what is going on and then she sees someone from a far distance in a robot armour coming to their direction while slicing and destroying everything that comes in it's way. Raquel tells everyone that something dangerous is heading their way. Kinto says to himself that no one will be able to take that thing on since everyone is tired and lost their strength. After the robot gets to where they are, its face opens and then it turns out that yuta is inside it. Alex tells them that that's the guy that was sending puppets to attack them. Yuta tells them that there is no way anyone of them can take his robot down, he explains to them that his robot is powerful enough to destroy at least half of this forest down. Raquel who was reading the energy level of the robot yuta was controlling tells them that he is not bluffing about what he just said. Yuta prepares to shoot a very powerful beam at them and then he tells them that he will make them pay for what they did to his team mates and then his robot arm slices off. Suddenly mori comes out of nowhere and punches yuta in his robot costume so bad the entire robot part dismantled immediately. He grabs him by the neck and starts to beat the hell out of him, mori rushes him with all sorts of punches and blows and then punches yuta's head to the ground so hard that all the impact made a large amount of the trees in the area collapse. After beating yuta, mori tells them that he was sent to help them so that their sorry ass wouldn't die, runo who was standing on a nearby tree branch asks them if they are ok and sukuna ask her where she had been the whole damn time. Meanwhile alex and kinto were intimidated by mori's strength and alex says he doesn't like the way this mori bastard fight at all. As they were walking out of the forest, kinto says that this entire thing was a scam and a waste of time, alex then says that as soon as he is at home he is eating and watching anime straight up. As they were finally out of the forest , alex pauses with a funny looking on his face and reminds everyone that they forgot the energy stone they were to submit. Everyone grumbles in annoyance and kazuki tells them to stop their whining, he tells them that since they were to busy fighting, he looked for the stone and then submitted it to Tomoa. Alex sighs in relief and says its about time he ate something. Alex,Baraka,kinto along with serena, sukuna and Raquel were at a restaurant eating bowls of rice non stop. Alex then says he is glad that the fight is over with and kinto says that he can finally go home and rest. Later in the night around 8pm, alex returns home looking weak and tired and then as he entered his room and switched on his light he see Raquel in his room half naked on his bed. She tells him that she is sorry for doing this, she ask him if he doesn't mind doing something with her and before she knew it she sees alex rubbing his head on her boobs with joy on his face then thanks God for making a miracle like this to happen and then switched of the lights