Alex no demon episode 38

In the battle hall after mori had beaten Raquel, she was on the flooring lying down unconscious. Mori attempts to stab her with the intent of killing, as he was about to do so he tells her angrily that there is no way a worthless weakling like her can beat him no matter what. As he tries to stab her while she is on the floor, alex swoops in and kicks mori on the face. Everyone is shocked to see what alex just did and then alex with an angry tone tells mori that he should just step back and be going. Mori gets annoyed and tells alex that he should move aside. Alex then gives mori a death stare and tells him to move away from the arena or else he will kill him. Mori gets an angry expression on his face and tells alex to try it if he feels like it and then alex creates a blade of death on his hand while mori's hand then starts to overflow with a massive red energy and they both charge towards each other. As they were about to hit each other, Tomoa jumps in between both of them and then creates a magic circle on his hands and uses it to stop both of them from fighting. and then hits them with a blast wave. He tells both alex and mori that he is the referee of the match and decides who fights and who wins. He tells alex that for what he has done he could have gotten himself disqualified from the second match, he then tells mori that under no condition must he try to kill his opponent until the referee says so.Tomoa then declares mori as the winner of the final fight of the first part of the assassination exams. Few hours later Raquel was on the hospital bed while alex who was sitting down waiting for her to regain consciousness while he was sleeping on her lap. As Raquel wakes up she asks herself what happened and then she sees alex sleeping on her laps. She smiles and then Alex wakes up and realizes she is also awake, alex sighs in relief and tells her that he is glad to see she is awake. Raquel then smiles at him and tells alex she is happy that he worried so much about her, alex tells her that he is happy to do so. Raquel then gets a sad look on he face and asks Alex if she lost the match, alex tells her that whether she lost or won, she was great. She then starts to cry as she says that upon all her hard work she still lost, she then says mori was right when he called her weak and alex tells her that's not true. Alex tells her that she really gave it her all and she did her best, he tells Raquel that seeing her fight was literally the best thing he has ever seen and then Raquel gets shocked and then hugs alex. She thanks him for believing in her and encouraging her and alex tells her that no matter what happens he will always be with her till the end even if it cost his life, alex smiles and hugs her tightly. Later that day, kojin was in his office after a one month mission, tomoa then enters his office and ask him how he has been while he was gone. Kojin smiles at Tomoa and tells him that it's nice to see him again, he asks him how the assassination exams went and Tomoa takes a seat and says that being the referee wasn't all that hard but it got bad at a point. Kojin then say that they thank God that nothing too insane happened. Tomoa then brings out the results of the exams and tells kojin that the following names in the list will be partaking in the final part of the exam. As kojin was taking a look at the list, he smiles and say that he is actually surprised that alex managed to enter the top 3 D-rank level assassins to enter the final round. Tomoa then say that he wasn't expecting to see alex pull up some stunts in the match. Tomoa tells kojin that alex has alot of potentials and if he goes like this he might just end up being a lord if not he might even be the most powerful lord ever to exist, kojin then smile and says that he would like to see some more out of that kid. Meanwhile in the training field behind Raquel's house, alex is blasting out a massive amount of flash fist with a great speed, Raquel tells him that he should stop for now and then alex just lies down on the floor. Alex asks Raquel how he did and Raquel tells him that he actually did well considering how much energy he has and how fast his attacks are, alex then sighs and says that at this rate he might even be the winner of the final match and Raquel tells him that she isn't quite sure about that. She explains to alex that his attacks are good for decisive hits and long range but they dont have enough attack speed. Alex then ask her what she meant by that and Raquel tells him that she took a look at the list of the final match and found out he is going up against mori. Alex then says that fighting mori is going to be cheap and she tells him that it's going to be the opposite of cheap. Raquel tells alex that mori has alot of techniques and moves he didn't display while she fought him, she further explains that he was holding back. She tells Alex that considering the fact that mori hates him, he will not hold back at all and then alex says he agrees with her at that point, alex then asks how this had to do with his attack speed and Raquel tells him that when it comes to close range combat mori is on a different level and she tells alex that if not for the fact she had her crystal eye activated she, wouldn't have been able to keep up with mori's speed. Alex then sighs and says that his only chance of winning is most likely by throwing long range attacks at him. Alex then sighs and says that sometime he wishes things weren't so hard and Raquel sits down on the floor with him and crosses her arms around alex neck and tells him that everything will be fine.