Alex no demon episode 40(How it goes down)

The night before the final part of the assassination exam, Alex was lying down on his bed looking abit worried. As alex was all on his own he asks himself if he can really do this, he then looks at the moon and then says to himself that he has to win and prove mori wrong. Alex then sighs and lays back down on his bed, he then says that no matter what happens he will win and end up becoming the strongest person in the world so he can become a lord. The next day the people of the city were at an arena cheering and making noise out of excitement, kinto who was preparing to get ready to fight looks at the time and realizes alex is late. Kinto asks himself what alex is up to and then he sighs and says he Hope's alex makes it. Meanwhile alex was still asleep and then by the time he woke up he realized he was late, alex then freaks out and then jumps up his bed asking himself how he over slept. Alex then quickly rushes to the bathroom, takes a shower as fast as he can, brushes up his teeth faster that he has ever done and then puts on some cloths and then he jumps out of his window and starts to run as fast as possible to the arena. Meanwhile as mori and Tomoa were at the battle floor waiting for alex,Tomoa asks kinto were alex is and kinto says he has no idea at all. Meanwhile alex was running as fast as he could while jumping from roof tops in and then he realisez he has only 1 minutes left. As the spectators were waiting for the match to start, one of them starts to complain as too why the match hasn't started yet. All of a sudden they began too boo and then everyone starts to complain. Tomoa then calls alex name and asks if he is around. As alex was running as fast as possible not to be late, he see Raquel running right behind him, alex then gets excited and tells Raquel that he is going to be late and that he needs her help Raquel tells him to be patient. She crystallized her foot and with all her strength she kicks alex all the way to the air. As mori and Tomoa were waiting for Alex to come Tomoa says that since alex hasn't arrived yet he is afraid that he might be automatically eliminated, but before he could complete his sentence, alex just comes crashing down to the battle floor of the arena. After the smoke clears alex is on the floor looking so tired and kinto sighs and covers his face asking himself why alex just had to pull up at the dying minute and in the worst possible way, everyone then starts to cheer on. As alex stand up, Tomoa asks him if he is ready for the match and then alex cracks his knuckles and says he is ready. Tomoa then asks Mori if he is ready to fight and Mori say he is ready. Mori then calls alex a failure and asks him if he thinks he can win this fight, alex pounds his knuckles together and calls him a bitch, telling him that if he really thinks he would lose then he is even more brain dead than he thought. Tomoa then declares the match to begin. After he declares the match to start, alex takes a deep breath and tells himself he can do this and then he starts to charge up a huge amount of energy all over his body and proceeds tonactivates his energy fist technique (Plus 20, strength of a hundred men). As soon as alex does this, sughi and levi get abit fascinated and then out of shock levi says that before someone can use energy fist, the person must have trained with it for a long time or about ten years, he then he asks how alex is able to increase the power to plus 20. Kinto then smiles and monologues to himself saying that no one has seen up to half of what alex can pull off. Mori then seeing alex use plus 20 asks alex if that is what he wants to use and win, alex tells him that he may not know any other way to fight but at least he is going to use what he has to win this fight and then alex starts to flash step around mori as fast as he can. Mori then says that he doesn't even need to use any technique before he has to beat alex and then Alex jumps from behind and starts to attack mori with a barrage of punches while moving at an insane speed. As alex was flash stepping around mori and trying to throw hits at him, mori is just dodging all of alex's hit as fast as possible. As mori was weaving all of alex attacks, he asks alex if this is all he can do and then Alex flash steps in front of him ready to hit him. Mori kicks alex so hard that he flew a couple of yards away. Mori then calls alex pitiful and asks him if he thought an attack like that could work, alex then gets up from the floor laughing and tells mori he just wanted to test out how fast he was when it came to spee leaving mori shocked. Alex closcks his fist with energy and then starts to shoot out flash fists at mori which was moving at a very high speed. As alex attacks were approaching mori, he realized that alex flash fist attack were very fast and then mori then starts to do a couple of backflips in order to dodges Alex's attack. As alex was throwing flash fists at mori, he says to himself that since he is shooting at long range, it will be very hard for mori to get close enough to hit him, meanwhile as serena and sukuna were watching the fight, sukuna says that she wasn't expecting Alex to give it his all like this and serena then tells her that alex always gives it all even in the most die hard situations. As mori kept dodging Alex's flash fist, he realizes that he cant keep up with the speed of alex attacks and just when he realized that he was about to get cornered and hit by Alex flash fist, he quickly activates a move called death block and then a red blast wave deflecrs Alex's attacks away. Mori's hands are now overflowing with red energy in the shape of blades, everyone is shocked to see this and kinto who was also in shock says that there is no way he has seen anyone counter alex flash fist like that before. Son then gets shocked and asks Raquel how mori was able to do that, Raquel tells him that the red energy on mori's hand in the form of a blade is called the death block which is a C-rank level attack. Son then asks her if this is bad and Raquel gets a worried look on her face and monologues alex name to herself saying that she hopes alex would be okay and do his best. As alex was in shock seeing the technique mori just activated, Mori tells alex that he should better prepare for his death and alex activates his energy fist and says there is no way in hell he's gonna die to a bastard like him. He further insults him by saying that he rather commit suicide than too lose to a bitch made bastard who just likes to carry himself and step on others