Alex no demon episode 42

After the fight between alex and mori, tomoa declared the next match to happen which was the kinto and rin. Rin smiles and just casually walks down ready to fight kinto while kinto was still getting annoyed. Kinto monologues saying that he can't believe he is fighting a girl, he says to himself that girls are pretty much hard to deal with and too make things worse, they live in a world where people are blessed with powers, which will make girls even more annoying. Alex then encourages him telling him can win this, kinto then gets a funny expression on his face and says that he isn't bothered about winning or loosing, he is bothered because he has to fight someone who thinks she has the upper hand. Tomoa then tells kinto that if he doesn't want to fight then he can just forfeit. The spectators begin to laugh at him as one of them calls him a bitch. kinto then walks down to go fight rin and the kazu starts to laugh. He mocks kinto by asking how a sorry excuse of an assassin can beat rin who is ranked the number one strongest female assassin from the steel city, alex then tells kazu that he hasn't heard a more stupid thing in his life. Kazu gets annoyed and asks him what he means by that, alex tells him that kinto may not look like it, but he is by far one of the most deadliest and smartest assassin the city has. Levi then gets a funny look on his face and says he can tell that this fight isn't going to be good but not for kinto,sughi asks him him what brought about that conclusion. As rin and kinto are prepared to fight, Tomoa tells them that if any of them are incapable to fight any more they will he eliminated, he then declares the match between rin and kinto to begin. As kinto and rin were glaring at each other, Rin begins to grin in an evil manner and then kinto senses something dangerous coming. Rin blasts out a massive amount of sound wave in which kinto narrowly dodges. Rin blasts out another sound wave which sends him flying to the walls. As soon as kinto gets up, he is shocked and asks himself how she just did that, rin who had a murderous smile on her face tells kinto that she has the ability to shoot out sound waves which move even much faster than sound depending on the amount of power she is using, she begins to shoot more sounds waves at kinto. As she was shooting out sound waves, kinto begins to run around and dodge them as fast as possible. While doing so, out of nowhere two of rins sound waves hit kinto off guard. Kinto tries to get up and then he realizes that he has to think of a tactic. Levi who seems abit worried says to himself that if this fight keeps going like this then kinto might get serious and might want to kill her. Kenji then takes a sit beside him and tells him that Rin's sound wave ability is both long range and also wide range and almost Impossible to dodge. Alex then cheers kinto telling him he cant lose to a girl or else people will take him for granted, kazu then tells rin to obliterate him. Kinto then pulls out some explosives out of his pockets and monologues saying he thinks he has the right tactics to win, rin then tells him that if he is thinking of a stupid tactic then it wont work and then she starts to shoot out sound waves with full powers at him. Kinto then starst to run around in order to dodge them and then he starts to throw explosives at rin's sound waves. As kinto was throwing explosives at rin, she uses her sound wave to blast them away causing them to blow up. kinto kept on throwing explosives while rin kept using her blast waves to counter them, kinto jumps out of the cloud of smoke caused by is explosions and then tries to punch her but then she uses her sound wave ability to push him away. Rin kept on blasting her sound wave at full power towards kinto while kinto kept on dodging her attacks continuously. Kinto then realizes that he only has few explosives left and then he says that he has to make use of them wisely if he doesn't want to lose. Rin then tells him that no matter what he does, there is no way he can dodge her attacks but kinto showing no sign of stopping kept on dodging her attacks and then manages to get close to her. He then slides beneath her with the attempt to attach an explosive at her leg but then rin blast a massive sound wave at him causing the ground to explode. As rin blasted him with her sound waves, kinto flies back, lands on his feet and charges towards her. He then brings out his two explosives and says that he has to make this count, as rin was throwing a massive amount of sound waves at kinto, she realizes that kinto only has two more explosives with him and then she tells kinto that his moves are to predictable. As kinto was dodging all her attacks, he makes two clones of himself and then they start to split up and attack her from different directions. Rin then tells kinto not to make her laugh as she then shoots out a tremendous amount of sound waves that cleared all of his clones. Kinto appears behind her and his clone in front of her each holding explosives ready to throw it at her, but then rin just smile and uses her ultimate move called ear shock as she releases a massive amount of blast wave so strong it caused an explosion making the entire stadium to shake. After the smoke clears, sukuna starts to whine and says that there was no way kinto could have tanked that attack. Kinto is on the floor with his face lying down and alex gets shocked and says he cant believe it. Kazu tells alex that he told him that he had no chance against rin, Rin then tells kinto that next time, he should know his place in a battle and was about to walk away. She noticed that her body was covered with explosives. Everyone is shocked to see this and rin who was also in shock asks how this happened, kinto then gets up the floor and then tells rin that if he wanted too have won so badly, then he would have blown her up from the start. He explains to rin that as he was throwing explosives, he knew she would use her sound wave abilities to prevent them. So out of the smoke, he attached some explosives at her without her knowing at all. He also tells rin that she is too confident in herself too the point that she let her guard down which gave him at least 200 opportunity to strike and even kill her. Rin then tells him to shut up and attempts to remove the explosives but then kinto tells her that if she tries to remove the explosives, then he will detonate the explosives and then proceeds to brings out the button. He tells her that if she admits defeat then he'll deactivate them but if she doesn't then he will blow her up. Rin then tells kinto that he wouldn't try it and then kinto with a devilish smile starts to count down. As kinto was just about to press the button, she then screams and then tells him that she gives up, kinto smiles and says he figured. Tomoa then declares kinto the winner and everyone starts to hail him. Alex then looks at kazu with an annoying smile on his face and tells him that he told him kinto would win, kazu gets irritated and tells him to shut up. Meanwhile ukina was untop of the arena building with kenji, she monologues to herself saying in a few moments everything goes down. Kenji tells her that he has already made everything fall into place. Ukina tells him that he has done well and then kenji asks her what her objectives are. Ukina tells him that once shouya goes out of control, the tournament will officially be over and then Alex and his team will be forced to go after him. Once they go after him, she will see alex true strength and then in a matter of weeks she will send someone to kidnapp him and steal his demonic powers and then she begins to laugh. Meanwhile kazuki was training with his purple flames at a valley, he looks into the sky and realizes that he will be late for his match.