Alex no demon character explanation 3(Official)

This is probably the second to the last part of the character explanations, although in the previous explanations I missed a few key points but as I keep writing you will understand later on. I hope you all enjoy this and please like and comment to tell me what you think.

Raquel: Out of all the female casts in the book, she's almost as good as the strongest young female character. As explained in some chapters, Raquel is the reincarnation of a godess which possesses the ability to use crystals. Unlike everyone in the attack clan which only have the ability to shape shift their body parts into sharp blades and also shoot out spikes and can also form those spikes into weapons, Raquel has the ability to crystallized her body parts to make them sharper or harden them for battle purposes. She can also shape shift her body parts into weapons by crystallizing them and forming them into any weapon of her choice.As I said before that she is the reincarnation of the crystal godess, she has this power called the crystal eye which is a third eye that opens up on her fore head. The eye enables her to move 2× the speed of sound, but as she trains and gets stronger, her visual prowess will increase, making her react to things that are faster. The thing about Raquel's crystals is that they are the hardest crystals in which cant be broken so easily, even if alex were to use blade of death a thousand times, it will only leave small cracks, but it depends on the amount of power her opponent is exhbiting. Aside from all these power she has, Raquel is a unique character who is in love with alex. She has a fun personality and is a very nice person.

Son: Well basically there is nothing much to know about son, infact I haven't really given this character much thought. Well son has the ability to use flames, he can apply his flame abilities in various ways, for instance he can blast it out for long range attacks, he can use those flames to enhance his speed and physical strength also. He is a very nice and enthusiastic male character who is also Raquel's team mate. Son the second son of kojin (but I haven't mentioned it in the book yet) and he looks up to Tomoa alot and considers him an elder brother.

Deo: This is one of the strongest young male characters in the series who will later showcase more power as the series continues. He is a C-rank assassin at the age 13. He possesses a nano tech watch in which gives deo the ability to turn his arm into robotic arm or even a blaster. This watch also allows deo to activate a massive amount of energy when needed, it increases his energy level which enables him to be very strong. Also his nano tech watch can hack into any computer or device no Matter the level of technology the device is .

Mori: This character is very skilled in hand to hand combat and is also very smart too. His IQ is that in which rivals that of kinto. Mori knows alot of techniques and moves than anyone in this series.

Runo: She is an assassin who is very skilled with weapons, basically her ability let's her summons any weapon of her choice. She has the power to summon all sorts of weapons depending on her energy level.

Sughi: He is deo's elder brother who is also deo's team leader. Sughi is the one who invented the nano tech watch deo uses. Unlike deo, sughi doesn't need a nano tech watch but instead he can turn any of his body part to robotic parts. Sughi also has an enormous amount of energy. As deo's nano tech watch gives him access to activate a new level of energy, sughi can easily unlock that massive amount of energy even beyond its normal limits. He is very smart and good with combat skill. He was able to enter C-rank level at the age of 12(at that time he was incredibly smart and skilled with combat without a nano tech watch).

Rambo: He is Alex's grand father who is also know as the iron gallant. He is a very dangerous and experienced warrior who is feared and know In 10 nations and two continents. Rambo is so strong to the point that people see him as a war god. Rambo at his base strength is enough to destroy cities and mountain ranges with ease. He also possesses this power called the law of strength and power, a form that allows his power to multiply 40× stronger and with strength, he can destroy nations with ease

Kojin: As you all know kojin is the lord of the city also know as the city leader like a president or a ruler. Kojin uses destructive energy which is black in colour, its like black flames mixed with black electric discharges. Kojin is one of the most feared men in the world along side with rambo. Kojin is strong enough to wipe out an entire city with enough destructive energy but he can do that without much effort. As well as rambo kojin also possess a power up in which his destructive energy increases 40× stronger than its original strength, Its basically a one shot move which gives him enough power to wipe out a nation.

Tomoa: I haven't said this in the book yet but Tomoa is kojin's adopted son. Tomoa was thought how to use destructive energy by kojin but unlike kojin, tomoa releases his destructive energy in the form of black orbs which are made of destructive energy. Tomoa creates magic circles and then blasts his destructive orbs out of it, he can also use his magic circle for flight and as a shield .