Chapter 5: Yakubo was fucking Renka

Meanwhile, back inside the experiment room together with Renka the 5th gen had to hear that the two of them are doing something inside the room in the meantime, there have Endo Sakura was seeing the 5th gen member are listen to other conversations inside the room while Nagi had her hear rise her chest.

Sakura: Nagi…are you okay?

Nagi: Sakura does not listen to them please and make you more jealous than Renka

Sakura: why are you saying to me for?

Before Yakubo tied both Renka hands and her feet to the chair but she look at Yakubo very scared that she can do anything with her body.

Renka: Yakubo what are you doing with me?

Yakubo: Renka…please relax and close your eye if you don't want to see these

Renka: sure okay I will close my eye now

Once Renka was close both of her eyes and out of the blue, Yakubo was touching her leg and her body while Renka was having some weird sound coming from her mouth outside can hear them as well.

Sakura: what the hell that I hear Yakubo doing on Renka inside the room

Nagi: it is too much adult thing that they were doing inside alone and together

Sugawara: I think we need someone to transfer to us

A few hours later there have Akimoto Manatsu was here to listen to some adult thing inside the room alone with the 4th and 3rd gen members.

Akimoto: why did you both ask me to come here to the Nogizaka studio anyway

Nagi: there something is going on inside the room with Renka

Akimoto: did you say Renka was inside the room with who?

Without any sound coming from Yakubo and suddenly, she had to change her data into a half-male body part at her below her virgin and she can do that thing with her while Renka are still close her both of her eyes.

Yakubo: Renka please don't shout in my ear okay

Renka: why did you say that and what are trying to do with me?

Yakubo: Renka just keep your both eye shut okay

Renka just nod at Yakubo while she cut the rope on her feet and just sit on Renaka's top of her lap and she was saying to her was.

Renka: Yakubo…can I open my eye and see what are you doing now

Yakubo: sure you can open your eye

Renka: okay I will open my eye now

Out of the blue, Renka was open both of her eyes and she can see that Yakubo was facing each other at her mature face on Renka's looks.

Renka: Yakubo…why are you sitting down on my laps

Yakubo: did you notice anything yet besides that

Renka: besides what else Yakubo

Out of nowhere, Yakubo was getting closer to Rena's face while Renka was getting blushed at her face went Yakubo was kissing on Renka's lips and she was liking the new Yakubo Mio data space of Tamaki project that she do on Yakubo's mindset had changed into more mature and adult-like.

Yakubo: Renka did you like it went I kiss you

Renka: yes I do like you kiss me but can we do more than kiss each other

Yakubo: sure of course but please touch the below of my leg

Before Renka was touching Yakubo'so below leg and she felt something huge thing and she looks closer that was a male huge cock that Yakubo can change herself as custom data look like the male part of his body.

Renka: wait…is there a male huge cock you have there Yakubo

Yakubo: did you want to touch it and make me feel so good

Renka: it is my first time touching a male huge cock

Once Renka started to touch Yakubo's futanari huge cock and suddenly, she had to moan loud so that the outside can hear them having a great time with each other with Yakubo.

Akimoto: what the hell was that?

Nagi: Akimoto…what's wrong inside the room?

Akimoto: they are having that adult went she or he gets married

Continue inside the room with Renka and Yakubo starting to put inside her futanari huge cock and they are going to start the sex with each other at sitting on the chair only.

Yakubo: Renka…can I move?

Renka: please be gentle with me

Yakubo: I will be gentle on you, Renka

Meanwhile, Yakubo was about to put inside her futanari huge cock and we start to move with each other, Renka can feel that Yakubo was great on her ever first sex on the 3rd gen member who can change her data into a male part of herself.

Yakubo: Renka…Renka I'm about to cum inside of your pussy *moan*

Renka: Yakubo please be gentle with me *moan*

Yakubo: Renka… let's stop here for a while shall we but we can continue right after this

Renka agreed with Yakubo while the others are stepping back from the door of the experiment room and went outside and look at the 5th gen with an ex-member of Nogizaka46 which is Akimoto Manatsu who here looking at both of them who are staring at Yakubo and Renka.

Akimoto: well I better leave here

Nagi: wait…Akimoto why are you leaving us with them?

Akimoto: I think they want to do more of that thing like the continue

Yakubo was holding Renka's hand when she bumped into Endo Sakura's shoulder and she whispered in her ear saying that some warning to her before she had to leave her speechless with her thought.

Yakubo: don't you dare come at me ever again Saku-chan!! *whisper*

Renka: Yakubo please I can't handle anymore

Yakubo: just wait for a few seconds okay

Right before Yakubo and Renka were leaving them alone and Sakura had some afraid aura around Yakubo's looks on her face while she grab Renka's hand and left the studio together.

Sugawara: Endo are you feeling okay?

Sakura: uh…no, I'm not okay but Yakubo were call me Saku-chan

Ogawa: there was impossible she had lost her memory right?

Meanwhile, Yakubo still grabbed Renka's hand and they went into someone's car that open they have a secret agreement with Yakubo and she push Renka inside the car and continue their half-sex inside the room at the studio.

Yakubo: should we continue the half of the sex together Renka

Renka: yes please Yakubo

Yakubo: you too sweet Renka

Without any sound coming from Yakubo's mouth and suddenly, she was putting inside her pussy and doing sex by moving against her hips while other members can see that the car outside is moving from inside the car.

Ito: what the hell is that?

Umezawa: that is a car Ito and who the hell are they doing inside the car

Ogawa: That was Yakubo Mio with Iwamoto Renka were together

Before Ito and Umezawa haven't finished talking and then Ogawa Aya just steps into the scene with the senpai but she is underage to know all of the grow up staff.

Yakubo: Renka…let us end this together

Renka: yes please Yakubo

Yakubo: please take my white sticky sperm inside your fucking pussy *hardcore sex*

Later both of them were shouting at the same time together inside the car while Yakubo changed her data into a normal self as a normal girl without any male part from her below her virgin.

Renka: Yakubo can I be your master

Yakubo: as you wish my sweet little kitten

Renka: Yakubo…Yakubo *kissing*

Right before the car are stop moving from the inside and Yakubo Renka are coming out from the car and see that other Nogizaka members are looking at them with shocked faces.