Chapter 11: Yoda Yuki scared of Nagi

Meanwhile, back at the Nogizaka studio, there have Nagi with Yoda who are apologize to Kaki but Nagi had to help her leg to clean up with a first aid kit.

Nagi: let me help you, Kaki

Haruka: thanks Nagi for helping me to stand up

Renka: why is Yoda scared of you know

Inoue Nagi whispered in Renka's ear and she got shocked her face.

Renka: you did what to Yoda

Nagi: relax she was okay but now she is scared until

Yoda: please don't scold us, Nagi

Nagi dragged Yoda out from there and let Renka drag her out from the studio and let Nagi help Kaki walk slowly to her dorm room.

Renka: what did you want to do with her

Nagi: just let me think first

Yoda: please don't do anything to me

Back at the Sakura studio with someone who had been thinking about Inoue Nagi been Yakubo Mio pass down on her.

Matsuda: what are you thinking Hono

Tamura: I want to see Nagi

Matsuda: sure of course see you later

When Tamura was about to go to the Nogizaka studio and see Nagi who was helping Kaki injure her ankle.

Tamura: Nagi...what happen to Kaki?

Nagi: oh Kaki injured her ankle but Yoda is the victim

Tamura: Nagi can we talk to you along with kaki

They both agree with Agent Tamura and we are here in the living studio together with Kaki who is sitting down next to Nagi.

Nagi: what are you doing here Tamura?

Tamura: so did you say that Yakubo had passed on to you

Nagi: yes she did pass on me

Kaki was pull on my shirt and she want to do something on the drawing paper.

Nagi: what it is, Kaki?

Kaki: can I draw her doing with you

Nagi: sure she won't right, Tamura?

Tamura nodded at Kaki Haruka she start to draw them on paper and she was drawing let Nagi and Tamura were talking to each other.

Nagi: so what did you want to talk to us

Tamura: if she wants to take all action

Nagi: Yakubo is a great member but there she like Endo Sakura

Once Kaki had finished her drawing on both of them and Tamura liked the picture.

Nagi: Kaki did you finish your drawing

Kaki: yes I did but can I let Tamura take my drawing

Tamura: are you sure you want to give me this

Kaki Haruka just gives her a draw and she goes back to Nagi behind her back and she covers her face at Nagi's back.

Tamura: uh...what happens to Kaki

Nagi: I think she had a crush on you

Kaki: no I don't but let go, Nagi, please

Kaki just grab my arm and shoulder and walk off to the dressing room with Nagi and her.

Nagi: sorry Tamura she thinks she had a crush on you

Kaki: please Nagi don't talk about her

Nagi: okay...okay Kaki please relax

Without any sound coming from Kaki Haruka and she breathed so heavily.

Sugawara: Kaki are you okay?

Kaki: yes I am good but I can't look at her anymore

Sugawara: what did you mean? oh, you mean Yoda?

Inoue Nagi just sitting down in the dressing room and Kaki had to calm down with another member.

Sugawara: Renka wants to see you with Yoda

Nagi: sure of course I will see you back here

Ogawa: wait...Nagi can I go with you

Nagi had to be cool to other members and she go to see Yoda on the rooftop and she was sitting down in the chair.

Yoda: why I was sitting down on the chair

Ogawa: wait...Nagi, what did you want to do on Yoda?

Nagi: Aya-chan please keep quiet let me talk to Yoda

Yoda Yuki was getting scared of Nagi and she keep getting closer and closer to Yoda.

Yoda: not get any closer to me, Nagi

Nagi: relax just close your eye Yoda

Yoda: wait...Nagi doesn't push me to do-

Out of the blue, Nagi had to push down Yoda off the rooftop and Ogawa rushed to see that Yoda had disappeared from the ground floor.

Ogawa: eh...? what the hell is going on here, Nagi?

Nagi: Yoda is fine just look at the dressing room

Sugawara: Yoda your face looks pale face are you okay

While Nagi and Ogawa had to go back to the dressing and see that Yoda is fine but went she looked at Nagi she had to go out of the dressing room.

Nakamura: wait...Yoda where are you going?

Yoda: she is the crazy person I ever meet

Renka: what did you do to Yoda Inoue Nagi

Nagi show her video to show other members and they just scold her but Nagi had to change her hair to light green with an earrings cross sign and she sat like a kind of delinquent on her.

Nagi: you guys are so bored I'm going to leave out for the some good

Sugawara: wait...Nagi, please wait

Nagi: don't taste my patient Satsuki!!

Suddenly, Inoue Nagi took out Tamura Agent's gun straight at her face.

Sugawara: Nagi you need to calm down let me call Tamaki

Nagi: don't move I will shoot you with these gun

Ogawa: that gun was fake right?

Out of a sudden, Nagi had to shoot at the floor with a crack floor with a bullet in the gun.

Nagi: like I said don't taste my patient Sugawara

Tamaki: Nagi please stop don't shoot yourself

Nagi: release my action *fainted*

Tamaki had to rush Nagi and she had to change back to herself a normal Inoue Nagi.

Sugawara: Nagi...can you hear me?

Sakura: what did happen to Nagi?

Nagi: Saku-chan please I want your-

Right before Endo Sakura had to sweet kiss on her lips and she cry on Nagi they see that Yakubo Mio had come out from Nagi's body.

Sakura: that you *tears*

Yakubo: yes Saku-chan bit I'm sorry to use your body, Nagi

Nagi: I'm fine but I think Yoda is scared of me

Yakubo was a ghost floating in the dorm room at the Yoda Yuki and she can knock at her door.

Yoda: who it was?

Yakubo: it's me Yakubo Mio who had scared of Nagi

Yoda: Yakubo...I thought you were die

Yakubo had shown her ghost body and Yoda can go through Yakubo Mio's body.