
Name: Jaehaerys Targaryen (real name)

Jon Sonw (fake name)

Appearance: platinum blond hair and purple eyes. (still looking for a good reference... other than this anime picture) he has a defined physique, but geared towards speed so he's slim, but still strong, he'll be 6'2-6'3 when he's 20.

love interest: it will be targaryen restoration, so it will be dany... there will be other targaryen pairs that will help with the restoration, but i don't know yet whether to leave viserys alive or dead.

dragon: it will be the same as caraxes, except that it will be thicker? it will be much bigger, of course, and it will be slender, but thicker and stronger... a little bit. the color will be red like caraxes, it will be a fusion of these two pictures.

Ghost: he will be bigger than in the series, about the height of a horse when jon is 16 years old.

and for those who ask, why dany? because i like her, in the same way that i like the beautiful rider who rides syrax...