Chapter 3

He is surprised by my answer and speaks, "I know you have always wanted to make a name for yourself, and going to the wall will make you grow and with your skills you are sure to become a great lord commander, it is a worthy job Jon!"

I look at him and speak bluntly, "Worthy? I always wanted to make the name for myself, lord Manderly offered to make me his squire several times, and what did you do? Always denied, but you don't think twice before sending me to the wall so that I don't have lands and children, right? Not create more bastards or try to usurp Robb" I speak and don't hide the emotions I feel.

All of this is what jon himself meant, since I woke up a few hours ago, I know that I am no longer jon snow, and I am no longer Harwin either, we are a fusion of the two, and I feel all the emotions that he feels and I will not keep hiding what I think, as he would, because a bastard cannot speak.

Nedd speaks harshly: "You can't talk to your father like that! I'm doing what's best for your future, I just want what's best for you Jon! And I made that decision thinking that you would want to go there, bonds don't matter on the wall.

I say, "Go to a place that has nothing else? Don't you ever hear Uncle Benjen talking about how that place is nothing nowadays? There is no honor in going to the Wall, a place full of the worst kind of humans! And don't talk to me about honor when you don't have it yourself!"

He stands up angrily and says, "I have no honor?! I treat you like I treat all my children! You've never lacked anything and I demand the respect I deserve as your father!" he speaks harshly and seriously.

But I win a smile on my face and speak, "you see? You don't see me as your son! 'I treat you as I treat all my sons'...don't I fit in with your sons, lord stark?"

Nedd's eyes widen and he gets a guilty look on his face he slumps in his chair and rubs his hand wearily across his forehead, and says, "you know that's not what I said"

I speak, "just as you never told me who my mother is, never told me about her or even her name... your honor is not as great as you think, to deny your son the knowledge of his mother, and send him to the wall as if he were nothing"

He looks at me guiltily, and speaks low: "I have already told you that your mother is from lys and that she died in childbirth, I have already told you what I should tell you"

I start to walk away from him, but I stop and say, "I've always had this weird ability, lord stark, I always know when someone is lying to me, and it's made me a great observer, I know you lie to me." And he left the room.

And it's true, the talents I asked for before I came were all already in jon snow's body, and knowing if someone lies is one of them, probably a bonus of wolf blood.

Jon snow is already an observant character by nature, and this only increased that side of him, so he always knew that lord stark was lying to him.

And the question that he should ask, he never asked, and that question is: Are you, my father?

If he had asked, he would have known the truth right then and there, but he never had any idea about asking, because he always had faith in Nedd stark.

I make my way to my room and wait for the wolf's hour, and then head for the crypts.

-Hours later

When I see that there is no one on the path that I had already predefined, I begin to walk silently toward the crypts.

Jon snow always went out at night with little Arya, she liked to take night walks and ended up discovering blind spots of the guard and places where they can walk without being noticed.

Entering the crypts I feel as if I am being watched, and when I start to pass by the statues this only increases, and I feel some of the discomfort and anxiety that the former Jon Snow felt.

-You don't deserve to step in here

-You are not a stark


-Get out!

But I soon cast all that aside, for I am stark, I am a wolf, and I am more than worthy to tread here, for I am a Dragon! And I will always be worthy.

I get in front of the statue of my mother and look at her, and she looks nothing like the woman I have in my memory from the Lyanna S pictures.

I run my hand over her cheek and feel tears coming out of my eyes, and soon I am on my knees crying, all these overwhelming emotions of Jon snow.

-She was here all this time! And I never came to her!

He always thought that his mother would be alive, his dream of being able to hold his mother and be by her side, and now knowing that she's not alive and that he's been so close to her all this time, has made all the emotions that jon- I've held all this time crumble.

Wiping away the tears, I say, "I'm sorry for the delay, Mom, forgive me for not coming to talk to you sooner, forgive me for all the times I've passed and not talked to you, I just can't talk anymore from the emotion that consumes me.

I try to control myself, and promise myself to come every day and talk to her before I leave.

After I calm down I take the shovel and start to take a good look at the ground to think about where the trunk might be buried.

I start to dig in the place I think the trunk is and after a while of digging I feel the shovel hit something hard, but when I clean the dust and remove the trunk from the hole.

Then I close it up again. And I take the trunk to my room.

When I open the trunk the first thing I see is a silver-colored harp with some inscriptions on it, underneath it, one has 2 black cloths, one with the head of the giant stark wolf and the other with the red 3-headed dragon of the house Targaryen, and after getting them out of the way, I see a blanket containing both symbols, but this time the wolf has a flower in its mouth.

I take the cloth gently and hug it, this must be my mother's blanket, and the others must be my parents' bachelor cloak.

And then my eyes widen when I see what is at the bottom of the trunk, 1 purple and gold colored dragon egg.

Taking the egg in my hand, I feel the warmth it brings and then I feel the life inside it, which makes my eyes go wide with this discovery, I know this egg won't be my companion, but I know I will be able to hatch it, maybe it will be my future child's? possibly.

Next to the egg, there is a green jar and three cards, one is open and the other two closed, one with the sigil of my mother and the other two with the symbol of the red dragon.

I open the card with my mother's sigil and start reading.

[To my dear son

If you are reading this, unfortunately, I have gone and left you alone in this world, my love, my life, and my everything. I hope you are growing up well and that you will become a beautiful man and a great King one day because I know that is what awaits you in the future, my little Jaehaerys.

Our song of ice and fire.

That is how your father says about our union, that you would come, the union of dragon and wolf, of fire and ice, the promised prince.

You don't know how happy I was when I found out that I was pregnant with you, my baby. The same goes for your father, he spent so much time singing to you and me, telling me stories from home, and telling me how your sister, Rhaenys, is even more anxious about your arrival.

Your father said you would be a girl, but Rhaenys and I always said you were a boy, and at the time I had the feeling, but your sister knew more about it than we did. She said that a dragon always has three heads, and you are the most important part and the last head of the dragon.

The light of our family, that's what she called you, whenever she felt you kicking in my belly, and it was she who decided your name.

I wanted your name to be Bael, your father wanted it to be Daemon, and Elia wanted it to be Aemon, but your sister said none of those were worthy of you, and you would be Jaehaerys, her Jae, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen.

You don't know how much you were expected Jae, we all loved you with all our being, we all wanted to be by your side and you were always wanted, and don't let them say otherwise.

Your father and I love you Jae, our song of ice and fire.

I also want to leave here some information for you my son, they will probably make up false stories about me and your father, that he kidnapped me and did bad things to me, but this is all lies and information manipulated by our enemies, enemies who wish the downfall of our family.

I sent ravens to your uncles and your grandfather, but none reached them, I know this now because I found out that someone was intercepting these letters, so your father brought me to the tower of joy, and Elia and her brothers were to come here after picking up Rhaella in Dragonstone, but this didn't happen.

Be careful with the hawk, the deer and the lion, and the one they call the little finger, they were the ones who orchestrated the fall of our family, and they had help from a good part of the Maesters, who hate magic.

You are now heir to the throne, my son, your father and I were married in secret by the Septon and with Elia's approval, who also made you Aegon's heir, and after what happened to your brother, that makes you the rightful heir to the throne, be the king we know you will be! This is your destiny.

Bring vengeance for our family, make them pay the price for the pain they caused us, bring him fire and ice, show them that the blood of kings runs in their veins, and with fire and blood, in the song ice and fire, we remember the pain that was caused to us!

To my little prince, Jaehaerys of House Targaryen, my dear son, and my everything.

Know that we love you.

- From Lyanna Targaryen, born Stark].

I feel the tears falling down my face, the emotions filling me like a tsunami, from pain to happiness, from relief to even more pain.

Knowing that he was loved by his family, that they were already waiting for him, and that he was wanted, broke the barrier that jon snow had always had in his heart.

A part of the old jon snow had always been afraid of this, that he wasn't wanted, that besides being a stain on the shining, perfect coat of the honorable Nedd Stark, he was a stain on his mother, and that she didn't want to be with him.

The only woman who made him feel wanted was his wet nurse, Wylla, she always sent letters to me, she is the only one who gave me the love I needed from a mother, and she also knows about my mother and was a good friend.

She always told me in letters that my mother loved me, but even words in a letter were not enough, as the weight of being the bastard of Winterfell was too great for him.

Another thing I need to do is that I want Wylla by my side in the future, that was always her wish and mine, my mother by choice.

We always made plans for her to come and live here, or for me to come and live with her. But Lord Stark was always against it, and now the old Jon Snow knows why probably to keep her from me and not tell me the truth of my birth.

When I get to essos I will contact her and ask her to come with me, I know she won't even think twice, because I know she also sees me as her son, I hope that ned will also come with her, he is Jon's only other friend.

They exchanged letters too, according to Ned Dayne, I am his milk brother and he would want to meet me and fight by my side and train with me.

But I know that he is currently a page of lord Beric Dondarrion, so it is quite difficult for him to come with Wylla, but maybe he will join us in two years.

And it is with these thoughts, my mother's letter beside me, her blanket covering me and the egg in my arms, and Ghost lying beside me that I fall asleep.

- One moon later