I won't let a snotty brat like you insult my ship's musicians!

From the beginning, I always dreamed of singing in front of many people, I wanted to entertain them all with my voice, and I wanted them all to recognize my voice. Therefore I have always loved singing and playing musical instruments.

Until one day, a red-haired man invited me to sail with him. At first, I didn't know I was on a pirate ship. But, it's different from the stories I'd heard from other people that pirates are bad people who always make a mess in this vast sea.

Shanks and his crew are very different from others, although they are pirates. Yet, despite what other people believe, I have never witnessed them attacking villages or committing bad things. This is because, throughout all this time, they have always invited me to go on adventures to various exciting places that I have never been to or would not have known about without them.

They even started to raise me as a musician on the ship because of my voice, and I really enjoy my days sailing on a ship, singing, and partying in times of sadness and happiness. For some reason, I became close to all of them, and I even thought of Shanks as my father.

'But now they all laugh at me and take my problems lightly. Don't they know how important my voice is to me,' I thought to myself when my heart, which had started to calm down, was now back to being messy, and even my tears, which had dried up, were now wet again.



In the end, I couldn't hold it in any longer as I just stood there crying, not knowing what else to do. I could even hear the sound of these people laughing, getting louder as they started pointing at me and saying:

"Hey, look, our little Uta is crying again, hahahahaha..."

"It seems that we've gone too far, but seeing her cry like this is a sight that you don't see very often, hahahaha..."

In the end, all I did was look at Shanks, who was still laughing while he tried to cover his mouth with his straw hat, and he said, "That's enough, you guys *chuckle... "

Gradually my emotions started to rise again, and without further ado, I started shouting out my feelings, "why are you all laughing! I'm a musician on your ship, and now someone is making fun of my voice, but you guys are laughing with him!"

My breathing started to become a little sloppy, but I just stared in annoyance at everyone in the bar who had become silent at that point. After wiping away my tears and snot, I started to walk away and leave the bar.

"Wait, Uta, where are you going?"

I could hear Shanks' voice asking in a slightly anxious tone, but I ignored him and continued to walk away with my fists clenched and my emotions all over the place.


Shanks could only take a deep breath after seeing that Uta had actually left, and after looking intently at all of his crew, who had now become silent and looked at each other, he then said:

"Did you all hear? What Uta said earlier is true. We should be angry if our beloved little musician is being bullied, especially about her voice."

Not long after, Yasopp, who had been wiping his rifle at the time, unexpectedly questioned the captain, asking, "Then, why were you laughing too?"

Shanks could only rub the back of his head with a wry smile as he replied, "just now doesn't count. I was laughing about something else."

Upon hearing that, everyone broke out into another round of laughter. However, Makino and Luffy, who were standing off to the side, could only remain silent and were at a loss for what to say. But as if she remembered something, Makino then asked:

"Umm… what are you guys doing in my bar?"

Shanks, who was already satisfied laughing, then turned to face Makino before responding, "Oh, so you are the owner of this bar! That's great news, by the way, do you serve sake? I want to buy all of them."

In the end, when Makino realized what the pirates were after, she heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly prepared to take out all the sake stocks in this bar.

As Makino went to the back. Luffy, who was now alone, started to walk to his usual seat at the bar counter. Meanwhile, when Shanks saw this boy's unusual behavior, he smiled as he approached Luffy with interest.

"What do you want from me, pirate?" Luffy asked lazily.

"Are you not afraid of us?"

"Why should I be afraid? Just because you are pirates doesn't scare me."

Shanks was even more interested in talking to Luffy, and he even sat beside him and asked another question while his crew was laughing and chatting with each other in the background.

"I see, but I noticed that you looked nervous and scared just now. Did I see wrong?"

Luffy displayed an unusual expression at first glance. Nevertheless, he quickly answered while turning his face away and replied, "Th-that's because I know you are a strong person."

Hearing the unexpected answer from the boy beside him, Shanks burst out laughing as he patted the table and said to the boy sitting next to him, "you really are an interesting kid."

But all of a sudden, Shanks' laughter came to an abrupt halt, and he whispered to the boy, "but brat, I hope you will apologize to Uta later."

Luffy, who seemed to be a little taken aback, simply smiled and spoke lightheartedly as he asked, "what's wrong with that? I think she really needs more practice."

But as soon as Luffy looked at Shanks, the smile on his face vanished immediately because he could see Shanks' serious face and the cold look he gave him. In addition, what Shanks said after that caused Luffy's entire body to tremble.

"I won't let a snotty brat like you insult my ship's musicians!"