Did you kill them all?

My time spent in the forest training with Garp allowed me to become more accustomed to controlling Luffy's six years old body, and I also gained a lot of knowledge about this world from Garp during that time.

Even though I only gave Garp a few hazy clues because I didn't want him to suspect anything. But this stubborn, slightly senile, and stupid old man immediately revealed to me many things that should still be a mystery later.

For instance, because I am currently in training, I mentioned a little bit about the power that Garp possesses, and this old man immediately told me about Haki and Devil Fruit, and not only that, but he will tell me a little bit about his past where why he could be called a marine hero.

"That's why Luffy, I want you to join the Marines," Garp said while flipping through the skewered meat he had in his hand over the bonfire.

I was silent for a moment while continuing to dry my clothes on the rock after I washed them in the river earlier, and after that, I asked, "grandpa, is it okay for you to stay in this village for a long time? Isn't a marine busy at sea?"

A twitch appeared on Garp's forehead, and he responded in a loud voice, "What! you don't like it when I spend my free time hanging out with you? Have you forgotten that you were so scared and crybaby when I left you alone in this village?"

"Is that so."

After that, it seemed as though Garp was trying to distract himself from his irritated feelings by devouring the cooked skewered meat he held in his hand. When I saw this old geezer chowing down on some tender and luscious meat in front of me, it was almost as if he was trying to show off, so of course, it made me hungry.

Every time I eat, I only end up getting hungry again and again, as if my body is a black hole that can easily absorb all of that food. Plus, for some reason, my appetite and stomach capacity have increased since I've been in this world.

Then, as my stomach began to rumble, I moved closer to the bonfire. When I wanted to take another skewer of meat, Garp angrily immediately reprimanded me and shouted, "this is the meat of my hunt. you have to find your own prey if you want to eat!" I was startled and retreated from the bonfire.

"Are you sure you can finish it?"

"Of course, even if there's a whale, I can finish it myself."

"You stingy old geezer."

"What did you say!"


Without mercy, I was immediately get hit in the head by Garp, and while I rubbed what felt like a small bump on my head, I also had no choice but to go looking for my prey.


"My clothes are still wet, and I really feel as though I have merged with the wild, hunting only using my shorts in the middle of this wilderness full of wild beasts."


After walking far enough, I could not find the type of prey I was looking for because the animals were either too small or too dangerous for me to face at this time.

But I had an idea to lure a pack of wolves into this area, so I hurriedly looked for a rabbit-like animal that I was hunting at that time, and as soon as I found it, I killed it using the sharp stick that I had been preparing for the past few days.

After killing those 5 rabbit-like animals, I dismembered them and hid their bodies in five different spots that were quite a distance apart from one another. I then sat in a tree and waited for my quarry to come and take the bait.

Because of the strong odor of fresh blood, it did not take long before I heard the sound of several footsteps followed by the growling of wild beasts heading in my direction. From the top of the tree, I could see a group of creatures that looked like wolves but had larger bodies, claws, and fangs.

I muttered to myself, "1... 2... 3... 4... there are 6 of them, but I think it will be fine," as a broad smile began to form on my face.

This pack of wolves stopped moving and sniffed the air as if they could detect something, and their eyes seemed to glisten with bloodlust as they became aware of the presence of fresh blood all around them.

However, this pack of wolves was a little confused after smelling fresh blood coming from five different directions, but because they became impatient, they started to scatter, and that's when I started to follow one of them.

I crept up behind one of the wolves that were feasting on the dead rabbit that I had used as bait earlier, and without further ado, I stabbed my sharp stick right into the wolf's neck.

When I saw that this wolf was about to yell out for assistance, I moved quickly to stop him by hitting him in the head until he became dizzy. He eventually died due to loss of blood.

I repeated the process with the other wolves as well, and even though, in the end, I had to contend with both of them at once, I had no trouble overcoming the challenge.


Less than an hour later, I returned carrying the bodies of the six wolves I had killed earlier by pulling their tails to where Garp had lit the bonfire at the beginning. Garp's eyes widened as he continued to enjoy the skewered meat in his hand when he saw me coming.

Garp voiced his question with a hint of surprise, "Did you kill them all?"

I retorted with a smug face, "Of course who else is in this forest besides the two of us," Garp simply shook his head and didn't say anything else.

Garp said, "My vacation period is over, so tomorrow we'll be back," as I began to skin and cook the wolf meat I had hunted.