Tsk, what is that woman thinking

"Captain, our diversion ship managed to lure them out."

I can see from the shore some Fish Man can be seen swimming after a ship that hasn't stopped circling the island, but unbeknownst to them, it's a trap that I set up for them.

"All right, get moving! If you don't fast, your lives will be at stake next!"

"Yes Captains!" my crew shouted in unison before returning to their respective posts, as did I. From the very beginning, I did not relax my vigilance in the slightest when our ship inched its way closer and closer to the land.

After Luffy kept me waiting and watching for a month, I already realised how unusual the state of the water currents around this Conomi Island was, so I worked really hard to learn about it because I knew a situation like this would eventually arise.

"Hurry! Move! First and foremost, we have to make sure that Cocoyasi's people are safe! If you come across any Fish Men, you should not fight alone but rather in groups, regardless of whether or not they are by themselves. Do you understand?"

I then led the way ahead along a shaded forest after issuing a series of orders and observing my men nod in unison. We were not there for long before we found a path that cut through the vast rice fields.

Houses pointing to human activity can be seen in the distance, but just as we were about to head there, we came across a group of Fish Man looking at us in surprise.

"Stay where you are and surrender, or you will suffer the consequences!" I shouted loudly, and possibly because there were so many of us, this group of six Fish Man became anxious.

These Fish Men are very predictable, just like humans are, and because I've seen those kinds of facial expressions too often, I can tell what they're thinking.

"Uncooperative, huh... catch them!"

The fight was destined to happen when the Six Fish Man confronted dozens of my men, but because I was there, I successfully rendered them helpless by wrapping their bodies around my iron bars. Despite being halted multiple times by the appearance of these Fish Man, we persisted in our conquest and made our way towards the Cocoyasi village.


Meanwhile, Hatchan, Kuroobi, and Chew immediately get confused by the situation after they have just gotten on the ship. Arlong had given the task to the three of them to capture Captain Nezumi, who was suspected of being the mastermind behind the two mysterious kids who had suddenly appeared on their island.

"See, Hatchan! this is what happens when you put too much faith in humans!" Kuroobi exclaimed in frustration as he punched a barrel, which immediately shattered due to his large and powerful body.

"Ehh, we might be on the wrong ship, it's impossible for this Captain to leave or just disappear, right?"

Hatchan's words were immediately refuted by Chew, who said, "You idiot, look at that flag, it's a marine flag... besides, have you forgotten, we've often seen this ship going back and forth to Arlong Park."

Hatchan could only cross his octopus arms in confusion, but Kuroobi soon caught their attention by pointing towards the island and calling out:

"Hey! What the heck is going on over there! Looks like these humans are planning something," he immediately dove into the water without waiting for the others and swam quickly to the island.

Seeing the black smoke rising higher and higher into the sky, Chew and Hatchan hurriedly caught up from behind. The octopus didn't stop grumbling as he continued to mock himself for having too much trust in humans.

"Arghh, just watch out, I'll beat up all those humans for lying to me!"


Luffy and Uta were running towards Cocoyasi village on the other side of the island when they suddenly stopped for a moment. Their eyes were drawn away from the path they were running because of the thick smoke coming from a location not far from them.

"Tsk, what is that woman thinking."

"Hmph, with your brains on your dick, you wouldn't know what a woman is thinking, and I guess this is your punishment!" Uta sarcastically responded to Luffy off to the side, but he ignored her and continued running.

They encountered more marines as they moved closer to the village. Several Fish-Man were also seen lying on the ground with their bodies bound by iron bars, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not free themselves.

"What are you doing here? Where is Captain Hina?" asked Luffy to one of the marines he met, and the marine answered politely:

"This is all on direct orders from Captain Hina, who along with the others is currently making her way to Arlong Park,"

When the young marine noticed that Luffy's expression was becoming gloomy, he became nervous. He was afraid that he had done something to offend the grandson of the vice admiral, so he bowed his head multiple times as an apology.

After continuing to walk through the village, Uta, who had noticed Luffy had been silent since earlier, could not stop asking questions, which made him even more irritated. It had been a very long time since she had the feeling that she could bully him.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Someone suddenly approached them just as Luffy was about to answer, and they were familiar with the elderly person. Suddenly, he took a firm grip on Luffy's shoulder, a look of extreme concern appearing on his face.

"Luffy, I need to know what is going to happen to Nami. Will she also be arrested?...that can't be, right? she's not a pirate...she's just being forced."

"I know, old man Genzo..." The expression on Luffy's face lit up almost instantly, and after he had brought the elderly man back to his senses, he hurriedly took Uta's hand before they left.

"What was that earlier, don't just shut up, talk to me!"

After walking quite a distance away from the village, Luffy stopped for a moment, and when Uta saw the broad grin on his face, she immediately understood that he had another sneaky plan up his sleeve.

"Of course, we'll go help Captain Hina and catch Arlong."