Are you trying to look cool? look what you did!

Captain Hina's estimates were a little off because they arrived at Little Garden Island in the evening, and just as their ship was anchored on the shore, a large bird that looked like a pterodactyl landed right in front of them.

Its long beak opened wide as it made a hasty attempt to grab Uta, who was just so happening to be lounging on the deck at the time. The unfortunate thing for this creature was that the little human he thought was weak turned out to have an incredible amount of power in her body.

Uta casually kicks the large beak of the bird upwards, which causes the sails on the ship's center mast to tear. Luffy and Captain Hina, who had been in the ship's wheelhouse, quickly came out when they heard the commotion below.

"Are you trying to look cool? look what you did!"

Uta did not acknowledge Luffy's sarcasm. Instead, she looked pleased to have irritated him. However, their focus was diverted by a loud screeching sound emanating from the pterodactyl. Shaking his head in dizziness, he shot an angry look in Uta's direction.

"If only you were a little bit cuter, maybe I would try to ride you," When the pterodactyl saw Uta's smile, he felt like he was being mocked. In all his years as the ruler of the sky in Little Garden, none of his prey had ever dared to humiliate him in such a way.


Uta did not want to give the pterodactyl another opportunity to use its long beak, so she jumped to the top of the mast quickly before preparing to deliver the death sentence. However, she was silent for a moment as she coated her hands with Haki.

"Next time, see who you want to prey on," like a warrior fighting a dinosaur in the prehistoric era, Uta jumped high into the air until she was level with the creature's head before steadily delivering a hook with her fist.


The head of the pterodactyl was abruptly pushed to the side with force, accompanied by the loud sound of bones breaking. Because the waves caused strong winds to blow away the sand and seawater on the beach around them, you can be confident that when his body fell, he was really dead.

"Hmph! What a terrible joke, and how dare a prehistoric creature like you want to consume an idol! " Her eyes began to tear up a little bit due to the impact, but despite the night sky's darkness, only her lovely face could be seen clearly, and it shone with the allure of a seductress.

After that, instead of returning to the ship right away, Uta went toward the forest. Her actions caused both Luffy and Captain Hina to become confused, but despite Luffy's repeated yelling, she refused to come back.

"I'm going after her. Can you stay here?"

Because Captain Hina is in charge of them and is responsible for their well-being, she is adamantly opposed to this idea. Because up to this point, they had either been together or, at the very least, close to one another, so she wasn't too worried. Nevertheless, the island they had arrived at this time was full of dangers that couldn't be underestimated.

"You better stay here, and let me chase that stubborn girl," refuted Captain Hina. She didn't realize that right now, she was just as stubborn.

Luffy wanted to leave because he wanted to meet the two legendary giants, and he also believed that there were other important things happening on this island apart from the giants, but he couldn't remember a thing. Therefore, he felt safe if Captain Hina stayed behind.

Makino arrived while they were still arguing with each other. She appeared drained after having finished dinner preparations and cleaning up the mess she and Luffy had created in the kitchen earlier. However, as soon as she saw the body of a gigantic monster lying on the shoreline and the disorganized state of the deck of their ship, her eyes immediately widened.

"What on earth happened-" Luffy unexpectedly came up after her just as she was about to ask. Because his lips were so close to her face, she began to feel a slight sense of panic because Captain Hina was looking at them very intently at the moment.

"While I'm gone, you keep an eye on Nami... and also, that princess, don't let her wander outside her room again," Luffy's voice was so gentle yet made her heart tremble anxiously as if a heavy burden were being suspended on her.

Although Captain Hina didn't know what Luffy whispered to Makino, what happened next made her annoyed. He seemed no longer interested in debating with her because he bolted away without saying a word, leaving her with no choice but to feel hopeless after his figure was lost in the thicket of the forest.

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned icy cold. Makino could even feel her skin being stung numerous times by the terrifying aura that Captain Hina emitted, and as a result, she didn't dare to ask anything.

"Then... Umm... I still have a lot of work to do, so... I'll go first..."

Makino felt that her presence there would actually make Captain Hina's mood worse, so she slowly withdrew from the area. Her first order of business was to visit Vivi, Igaram, and Mr. 9 in their room. She first checked to make sure they were safely inside before closing and locking the door.

"Makino-san, why did you lock the door? What's wrong?... please open it. I won't go out carelessly again... please..."

In times like these, Makino felt proud of herself because she wasn't easily carried away by her emotions. She was sure that if it was the old her, she would feel sorry for Vivi and unlock the door for her.

'If that happens, I have no idea what kind of trouble I will cause... Luffy will even hate me for that.'

She believes this is all because her love for him weighs on anything. The sensation of obeying his orders and anticipating genuine praise is very intoxicating to her, even if the order goes against her morals.

"I'm sorry, I'll unlock it, but not right now."