Chapter 20: The Plot to Steal a Tiger

For all his talk of being okay in my absence, I could tell Olezhka was happy to see us return. I went straight for his enclosure, barely registering the exchange between Imogen and the zookeepers as she bought us new tickets.

"We're back." I thought to Olezhka.

He purred, and even separated by the glass I could feel the low rumble in my own chest. "That is good. Have you brought more witches?"

"No," I hesitated. "The Maples weren't very helpful."

"They have hurt us." Olezhka's eyes narrowed and his tail lashed angrily from side to side. "I can feel your anger."

"Yeah," I said, pressing my forehead against the glass and squeezing my eyes shut. "They... Their Matriarch. She scared me. She took something special to me and made it feel dangerous."

"I will kill her for this," Olezhka growled.

I smiled. "Not worth your time. Let's focus on getting you out of here."