When I woke, I was in Imogen's arms. It was a slow realization; at first I simply thought I was more comfortable and safer than I'd ever felt before because Olezhka was in the room. Then I felt her arms, one wrapped around my waist the other cradling my head.
When my eyes fluttered open, I found out the pillows my face was nuzzled into were not, in fact, pillows, and I had to reconcile my sudden delight with my desire not to be creepy. Did I pull away? I didn't want to wake Imogen up. From our position, it was clear she had pulled me in sometime during the night.
Alright, it was time to think.
If Imogen woke up and I was still asleep, she could unwrap herself and suffer any embarrassment without my knowing. Assuming, that is, she had pulled me in unconsciously. If this was intentional... my heart skipped a beat and I tried not to hope for it. Imogen wasn't that forward.