Imogen caught up to me quickly.
"What are you doing?" she hissed.
"Standing up for us," I answered. "He's not actually in charge, and he wasn't going to give us what we wanted any time soon. I'm not staying here. Let's find the Matriarch, make our peace, and get out."
The witch I'd yelled at scampered up to us, keeping a wide berth when Olezhka threatened him with another growl.
"I'm sorry," he stammered. "But the Matriarch is unprepared for visitors at the moment. Can I bring you to a lounge to wait in for a while?"
"Please," I smiled sweetly. "And if you could scare us up some lunch too, that would make the visit just that much better."
He led us to a smaller chamber with several chairs and a couch, then disappeared to do as I requested. I flung myself down into a seat and Olezhka curled up on the floor beside me.