Chapter 42: Betrayal

Klaeris paced back and forth before Imogen and me, clearly trying to phrase her 'good' news carefully. Side note: if your news needs to be phrased carefully, it's probably not good. The Elm Matriarch probably knew this on some level, but that did not stop her from needlessly delaying the explanation.

"I'm glad to see the two of you together," Klaeris said. "That's nice, isn't it?"

"Y-yeah," I gave Imogen a nervous glance. "It's great. What is this about?"

Klaeris paused in her pacing. She noticed that her hands were shaking, so she clasped them behind her back.

"Maybe I should go..." Imogen started.

"No, no!" Klaeris put a hand out to stop her.

"My mother is going to get suspicious," Imogen tried to press for the door.