Chapter 17: Alpha Luna Campus Orientation

Freshmen Orientation for both Alpha and Luna Academies were held at the same time in Shelton Hall, the main building and auditorium on campus. Tessa was already waiting for me when Ms. Julie dropped me off.

She was even more giddy than usual. Her eyes flitted around the crowd as if she were finally at home. I don’t think I’d ever seen anyone quite so happy to be at school. But as she grabbed my hand and hurried me inside to find good seats, I could feel her excitement begin to infect me.

She found us seats close to the front and in the center. There was a buzz around the room until a lady and a man entered the stage and gave the signal for everyone to quiet down.

“Good morning, future Alphas and future Lunas!” the woman spoke first. “I am the headmaster of Luna Academy, Dr. Ellen Rightstone. You may call me Dr. Ellen. I want to welcome you all to campus and wish you all the very best luck during your first year here.”

A cheer went through the auditorium.