Chapter 34: Fun and Games

We were already seated at the table, eating food we had taken out of the fridge, when Trent arrived in the dining room.

”Hey, Trent!” Darla said. “You made it in time to get some food.”

Trent came to take a seat next to me. Not bothering to get his own plate, he grabbed a fork and began eating from mine.

“You two are so cute together,” Darla commented. “It’s like you were made for each other.”

I smiled and looked at Trent who was blushing a little but still, he put an arm over my shoulders and I kissed his cheek.

“You know what?” Blake said, interrupting the moment. “I bet this would be a great place to play hide and seek.”

“Yes!” Darla said excitedly.

“Maybe tomorrow,” I said. “Aren’t you guys tired at all?”

“How can we possibly be too tired to play inside of a castle right now?” Darla asked.

I could understand her excitement. “Maybe not hide and seek but… We could explore a little,” I suggested.

“Yes!” Blake said, finishing the last of his meal in a hurry.