Chapter 37: Saved By A True Alpha

I sat in the car and got ready to head back to Alexandria with Blake feeling heartbroken and worried. I had to consider the possibility that they were dead, but until I had proof, I wanted to hold onto hope and believe that they were still alive.

I looked at the Rogue Council building as Blake drove past it, and watched it fade into the distance through the side mirror before I turned my attention back to the front and wrapped my arms around myself. I was so grateful for Blake's presence. The dull roar of the engine and the vibration of the car soothed me. I felt safe, protected. I knew that Blake would do all he could to help me through this.

“What are you going to do?” Blake asked.

The only plan I had was to reach out to the current King and try to negotiate for their safe return. I knew from Ms. Julie that the King wanted me to marry his son. I would agree to marry the prince so long as Trent, Ms. Julie and my uncle returned home safely.