Chapter 14: Killer Virus

Autumn picks up her coffee and takes a sip. It’s cold, but she just needs liquid. Her throat went instantly dry and her tongue keeps sticking to the top of her mouth. Liam shifts back as she sets her cup down.

“The clinic,” she says quietly. All she can think about at this moment are the things she said to him during her breakdown. Why had she poured her heart out to him? Because shifters weren’t real for you yet, she thinks to herself.

“Are you okay?” Liam asks from the couch.

“No,” Autumn replies honestly. “I haven’t been okay since coming to Michigan if I’m being honest. This all feels like a dream and I’m waiting to wake up,” she says with a nervous laugh.

She still doesn’t understand why Liam brought her here. “So, why me? Why didn’t you just ask for my help back at the clinic?” she asks.

It’s his turn to blush, and she must admit, it looks good on him.