Chapter 19: Team Player

The woman brushes her blond locks back over her shoulder before pulling away from Blake. She’s a little taller than Autumn with curves that go on for days. Autumn wonders how many times this woman has probably dressed up as Barbie for Halloween.

“What in the world is going on here?” the woman asks firmly. “I went to my trailer and it looks like a tornado ran through it.”

She has her own trailer here as well? Autumn wonders. How many women does Blake have living here?

“Autumn!” the woman says, turning her attention away from Blake. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. I can’t believe we have never met before this.”

Autumn is so confused. How does this woman know her name and who is she?

“I’m Connie, we work together,” the woman explains, seemingly sensing Autumn’s confusion. “I’m not at the office, ever, but Nick has told me a lot about you. I was happy to hear they were nice enough to send someone competent to handle this location,” she says with a smile.