Chapter 21: Monsters in the Dark

Autumn gasps and Connie jumps. Neither one of them knew they were being watched. Autumn instantly starts trying to think of a reason they would be out this late. She’s in the middle of concocting her story when Roy steps out of the darkness, chuckling.

He approaches Autumn’s open window. “Sorry, ladies, I couldn’t resist,” he whispers through stifled laughter.

Connie lets out a breath. “Roy! I may just have to go change my pants,” she scolds in a harsh whisper.

Connie rolls her eyes as Roy tries to contain himself.

“I’m really sorry,” he says while wiping tears out of his eyes. “What brings you two out at this hour?”

Autumn looks over at Connie, who still looks vexed by the older man’s attempt at a joke. “Just running a few errands,” Autumn replies.

“Oh, I see,” Roy says, leaning into the car window a little. “These errands wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain rival Alpha and his pack, would they?”