Chapter 37: The Secret Weapon

The bear makes it outside and starts gulping in fresh air like a fish out of water. His growls and moans reverberate through the house as he struggles to get enough air. Autumn hurries out and starts trying to comfort him as Blake takes off for the kitchen. Jazz and Roy stand dumbfounded in the entryway.

“Smell this,” Blake says as he hurries outside and pops the top off of a coffee can. “Don’t shove your whole face into it, just smell,” Blake instructs as Duncan almost submerges his nose in the grounds.

Once the bear is back in control, he shifts into his human form. “That was horrible,” he huffs with tears in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” Autumn asks. Her concern is genuine, both reflected in her voice and on her face. For a moment she had been afraid for, and of, Duncan. His erratic behavior had triggered a fight or flight reaction, but Autumn had managed to stand her ground.